Looking at Baker graph I think Ross's graph is correct. Or I missed something...
Yes, you did.
All Baker's tissue state parameters appear as vertical lines. If you are going to refer to "supersaturation pressure", it must apply to a specific depth because the definition of supersaturation is:
Or more simply:
Pss = Ptiss - Pamb
Supersaturation pressure can only be defined at a specific depth. Ross's depiction defines it as crossing depths. You will see his "tissue gradient" also disagrees with Baker.
Since he is clearly lining up to try to discredit things I have said in presentations on this matter, I think it is important he gets off to an accurate start. Not a particularly good effort so far. I also worry about his basic understanding of these quite fundamental issues given he sells a related life support product in which he performed the calculations.
VR3 was nothing to do with us - they just wanted sell more products. It was longer than real VPM-B/E. So you have not dived VPM-B.
The idea of incorporating VPM in the VR3 was to increase deep stops (or are you going to try to deny that too?). You may recall that is the point I was trying to make. I believed in deep stops.
As an aside, you are really stretching credibility to suggest VR Technologies adopted the VPM name with no input or permission from you.
But Simon, you told us the nedu study convinced you in 2006, and most likely you knew about its progress before then. So... something still does not fit right.
you told us the nedu study convinced me in 2006. I have made no comment on the timing. It is irrelevant anyway (see above). I purchased my VPM VR3 before I knew anything about the outcome of the NEDU study. Occam's razor suggests that the simplest explanation for something is usually the correct on. Why not just accept that I believed in deep stops but changed my mind when new evidence emerged? Why imply these implausible conspiracy theories to the effect that (for some unspecified reason) I have hated the deep stop concept every since it was first proposed? Have you any idea how silly all this sounds?
Really? David seems to think its OK now.
I don't see where he says that. And parenthetically, I find your repetitive citations of David's opinion as though he supports you to be mildly amusing since this entire thread is dedicated to you attempting to trash his work.
But how interesting that you suddenly seem to understand these important differences... now - when it suits you. Your youtube "presentation", is devoid of such distinctions and uses that to incorrectly make conclusions that are not there.
What on earth are you talking about? My presentation that appeared on you tube used the exact same definition of supersaturation that I am advocating here. Go and watch it again. Nothing I have said is inconsistent with what was said in that presentation.
Simon M