Deep Air VS CCR

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Used to 40 meter dives on air in 90's early 00'. Now that I have ccr even 6 meter dives get done on trimix diluent. Helium is not expensive here and ccr dive uses only 30 litres of diluent in shallow dive, so about 10 liters of helium. Deeper dives use 3-4x that.
Have given up on oc diving, because ccr is just much more enjoyable (no sounds, warmer longer dives).
Same with known club members. Thought some use oc nitrox on shallower dives.
Do not feel confident in claiming any statistical value. What I see is that those folks that migrate to CCR seem to do it more or less completely.
I still use OC pretty regularly. Especially for recreational depth cave dives. Occasionally for trimix depth cave dives, but that's less common. Sometimes it's just easier and simpler. But anytime I use the CCR, it's always trimix dil.
Only ever used air deep, it suits me as I can pump it and it works for me. I use oxygen to shorten the stops. Last deep air dive was today.
I wanted to get an estimate on dives that are done below 130 feet. What percentage of those in your observation are done on CCR and what percentage on Deep Air - no helium?

Since no official numbers may exist, peoples individual observations would be a huge help. Thanks.
Again why? what is your objective here? What are we "helping" with?

Is this going to be another one of your "Have you heard of UTD?" threads?
I'd like to hear more about this " UTD " Is this an accredited training agency or was that a TIC joke I missed?
in most states it is with the exception of lionfish. It's considered bad sport since the fish don't hear you coming and don't recognize you as a diver without the bubbles.

Guess we're lucky here in WA state:
WA Fishery Regs:
Spearfishing: The diver must be swimming or floating in the water while spearfishing. The use of explosives or bullets attached to the spear is prohibited.
I have done 150' CCR on air, once. Too thick. won't do that again.

I did 130-140' a few different times on CCR air and didn't notice much difference other a touch of the narcosis going on. I would even say that I didn't feel as narked on CCR air as I did on OC air at 140'. Different day, different dive site, different experience level, so tough to really compare.
Once I took Mod 2-3, He has been the go to. Far cheaper on a CCR than OC. I'll even run the 10/50 on dives in the sub-100 range. You end up using very little dil on those shallow spearfishing or bottle hunting dives.

Again why? what is your objective here? What are we "helping" with?

Is this going to be another one of your "Have you heard of UTD?" threads?

I am contemplating on your dramatic entry into this thread since morning, reading it over and over again. In Covid lockdown, men can have PMS like symptoms and I am wondering if dark chocolate would help?

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