A lot of recent threads have brought out some good disscussion of deco theory. I am curious what everyone started with and how they arrived at that decision, and what they do now 100+ dives into the deco experiment. Also how you adjusted your deco up or down. Dialed it up due to niggles, dialed down till you got niggles, stuck with what you chose with no niggles.
I started with navy air tables, I was young and felt great. I now use v-planner Buhlman plus three and dive helium. I am old now and I feel great. It works for me and since I am not planning on ever doing extended range and do not mind time on the hang I am happy.
All of the theories being used are math/algorhythm just different interpretations and applications of the math. Ratio deco and for the math gifted /profabinacci? sp/ numbers it is all just a grand experiment.
So what is your choice and why?
I started with navy air tables, I was young and felt great. I now use v-planner Buhlman plus three and dive helium. I am old now and I feel great. It works for me and since I am not planning on ever doing extended range and do not mind time on the hang I am happy.
All of the theories being used are math/algorhythm just different interpretations and applications of the math. Ratio deco and for the math gifted /profabinacci? sp/ numbers it is all just a grand experiment.
So what is your choice and why?