He is not in favor of Nitrox dives, using a Nitrox setting even put on a +1 or +2 conservatism. For this the divers have to realise that a dive computor does not know how a particular body behaves. They should therefore dive with wider margins than the computor indicates, especialy if risk factors are present. Moreover for dives with mandatory deco stops, the computor gives only ways and techniques in order to minimise a risk that is way bigger than dives within the NDL.
2 or 3 dives per day is OK, as long as succesive dives do not put the diver too close to the Deco line AND to rest without diving for 24 hours every 4/5 days. The goal, surprisingly, is more to give a chance to the dive computor to "reset" rather to enable the diver to recover. After several days of multi dives, a lot of computors are quite a bit lost, he explained.