Deco planner software recommendation

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subsurface does have iOS version (unless its stopped being supported) But I use mutlideco pretty much exclusivley - its easy to use and easy to share via messenger facebook etc to send to buddies fro predive plans
diveplan2 (on android, not sure if there is an iOS version) is pretty handy, dual algorithm like multideco but in a much more modern interface, it's oriented toward gue apprach to deco so ymmv (particularly if you dont use standard gases it's probably not worth it)
Profiles generated are within minutes of decoplanner so it seems reliable
I found an IOS version in the app store, but it certainly isn't intuitive. To begin with, I can't find any way to switch it out of metric units.
A study comparing computer dive algorithms with the results of the 2008 NEDU study was published this past December in Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. It is not yet available outside of that publication, so I cannot link to it here. It found that none of the programs were consistent with the NEDU results without adjustments, and some could not not be adjusted to match those results.
  • VPM (as in V-Planner) could not be adjusted to make an appropriate first decompression stop--it was always too deep.
  • The Suunto version of RGBM made an appropriate first stop if the deep stop option was off. With that option on, the first stop was MUCH too deep.
  • With Bühlmann, setting GF Low to 55 (or higher--the study thought 70 was good) produced an appropriate first stop. A GF high of 70 produced sufficient shallow stop times.
  • The algorithm used in Cochran computers could be adjusted to make an appropriate first stop depth OR an appropriate total decompression time, but not both at the same time.
It should be noted in that the algorithm in the NEDU study that was proven to be superior did NOT prove that it was an ideal algorithm. It just showed that it was superior to the deep stop algorithm to which it was compared.
You should not use VPM algorithm. In the hands of NEDU it generates 20min deep stops!! Also according to Simom M, Ross does not understand deco. You should stay clear of his software...

Sorry mate, you're entitled to have your own opinion about VPM and Ross, but concerning the software Multideco, you're way out of line. It calculates very coherent deco profiles : I should know, I have been using it for some years and compared the dive plans it created with the ones planned by my Shearwater Petrel, and the actual ones, given during the dives.

Of course, Multideco is just a software, a tool and like any tool, if you use it without any proper training or without a brain, it becomes pointless and potienaly dangerous.

But your statement, given like that, point blank, without any kind of explanation is closer to bigotry than to anything.
Sorry mate, you're entitled to have your own opinion about VPM and Ross, but concerning the software Multideco, you're way out of line. It calculates very coherent deco profiles : I should know, I have been using it for some years and compared the dive plans it created with the ones planned by my Shearwater Petrel, and the actual ones, given during the dives.
He was specifically talking about VPM, no Multi-deco. VPM is an option in Multi-deco, but so is Bühlmann ZHL- 16C, which is the default algorithm for Shearwater. Which are you talking about?
He was specifically talking about VPM, no Multi-deco. VPM is an option in Multi-deco, but so is Bühlmann ZHL- 16C, which is the default algorithm for Shearwater. Which are you talking about?

The part of "ajduplessis" post which I find most annoying is this one "Ross does not understand deco. You should stay clear of his software..."

It's blunt, peremptory, without a trace of an explanation.

Of course Multideco is a multi algorithm software, and I've used it, as quoted, for several years and compared it with my Shearwater, and yes I do use Bühlmann ZHL- 16C
Its also true.

It may be so, but would you care to elaborate then ? Put like that, it's just an opinion.
The concern with VPM is not that V-Planner misrepresents the algorithm. The problem is that it correctly represents the algorithm. As mentioned above, it cannot be adjusted in any of its conservatism settings to create a first stop that is not too deep according to the NEDU study. Its supposed purpose of controlling bubble growth and formation was tested in 2010 in a study headed by Ljobkovic. That study found that people following the VPM algorithm carefully had significantly high levels of both arterial and venous bubbles upon surfacing.

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