Generally speaking you do not plan for two failures (ie, the loss of "Rock Bottom" back gas AND the loss of deco gas). If somehow I lost my deco gas I would begin my deco. obligation on back gas. It's almost certain I'd have more gas left in my tanks than your probably thinking because we planned this dive with "Rock Bottom" protocols. After the first 5 min on deco. my buddy and I would swich. He would go to back gas, I would go to his bottle (EAN50 or o2) and we would continue like this 'till we completed our obligation. Depending upon gas remaining at the end of our deco obligation and sea conditions, we may add on a few minutes to cover ourselves.
Hope this helps.
Remember YMMV.
Yeah that helped. I had similar thinking... I either plan on a loss of my back-gas in a form of stage or free flow or loss of my deco in a form of the deco bottle.