Date: 12/19/04
Dive Location: Leo Carrillo (Malibu)
Time: 11:20 am
Bottom Time: 62:30
Max Depth: 31 foots
Vis: 25-30 max.
Wave height: 3-4 ft. (occasional)
Temp at depth: 57 deg.
Surface Temp: 63 air, 59 water
Tide information: +2 ft., going high
Comments: We decided to make an entry at the small cove on the west side of lifeguard tower #2. We noticed the maximum surf was in the 3-4 ft. range, with long periods of flat seas. The weather was gorgeous, warm, and clear as a result of Santa Ana winds. We timed our entry by checking the reef point on the west (right) side of the cove, and when there were no waves breaking out there we headed out into the water. After waiting for a set to pass we eased into the lake. We had decided to kick out to the first patch of kelp, then head East (left) and explore. I teamed up with Headhunter and HBDiveGirl. SBDiver and DesertCamel also joined us, and planned to head west. On the way out the viz looked pretty poor. When we finally dropped down, the bottom didn't appear until we were about 5-10 ft. above it. We dropped down into 20 ft. of water, above a sand bottom. As we headed east, the terrain was fascinating: alternating patches of sand and small freestanding reefs. Visibility improved substantially (probably because as we went east we ended up being further from shore). We came upon 3 or 4 separate reefs, all worth exploring in detail. We saw tons of gorgonians, probably 6 or so octopus hiding in cracks, senioritas, black eyed gobys, blacksmith, and HBDiveGirl showed me a couple of sculpin-looking fish. I forget what she called them... I was told there a bunch of cowries, but I missed them. Also saw some beautiful featherdusters for the first time which looked almost like small sponges, and they quickly retracted when my hand came near. Very cool. At one point I happened to look up and saw a school of smelt (?) circling above us, and sun rays filtering through them. A spectactular sight. I motioned to my buddies, and we ended up floating on our backs looking up at them. Very cool.
We saw some more of the usual suspects (my way of dodging because I didn't know the names for all the stuff I saw), and when my air was getting around 1300 psi I motioned to my buddies to head back. I was the air hog on this one (though my final SAC was a reasonable 0.53), since I was in "first time exploration mode" trying to zoom all over to check the layout. The others were being more relaxed and stopping to smell the flowers, which I need to learn to do.

I just love zipping around a new site and getting an overall picture of the place. I do the same thing when I go on vacation to a new place. Gotta drive around and see what's around before I can settle in and relax. Anyway, when I was around 800 psi Headhunter motioned that we should surface and get our bearings. Turned out we were right in front of the cove, but still pretty far out. We decided to drop down and head north into shore. So we dropped back to 25 feet and headed 330 degrees towards the beach. The viz dropped quickly, and when I looked around and didn't see them I decided to continue to the beach instead of turning around and trying to find them in the swirling sand. At about 10 ft. depth I headed up, and immediately saw HBDiveGirl and then Headhunter surface about 15-20 yards behind me.
It was a very relaxing dive, and this became one of my favorite dive sites. The whole area is riddled with patches of kelp and reefs, and I can imagine that you could dive here many times and not see it all. But I'm going to try.
Okay, now that I completed botched my description, maybe Headhunter and HBDiveGirl can you tell everyone what we actually saw...