Dcs shoulder pain

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Sounds like you took a hit. You didn't describe your ascent profiles. That is important, plus you failed to describe how much no decompression time you had left on your computer when you started up. Those pieces of data are very helpful in understanding how aggressive your diving was and could be way more significant than max depth and total time in understanding the circumstances of your injury.

If you are not very aware of those things when diving, you should change that (and obviously try to inject some conservatism into as many of those variables as is practical). Also you should not be going on a dive boat that does not carry oxygen on board for immediate use. Your shoulder might be "all better" by now if you had.

Lastly, minor issue, your use of mod, is a little different than the way most people will apply it. It pertains to a theoretical maximum depth (associated with the % of oxygen) rather than the deepest depth actually attained during a dive.

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