I did IWR at the end of the Truk Stop pier for pain only left shoulder DCS type I, after a dive on the Aikoku Maru. There were many CCR divers doing extreme profiles there at that time and I didn't want to tie-up the Recompression Chamber for a relative "simple" pain only DCS type I, just in case a Rebreather dive casualty came in with a more acute serious signs & symptoms of DCI/AGE.
The IWR profile was the modified Australian method taught by UTD: Choose either 30, 60 or 90min of elective O2 breathing at 9m depth (10min O2:with 5min Air Break); and then a very slow 0.1m/min ascent to surface (same breathing 10min O2:with 5min Air Break). Went with 60 minutes O2 time at 9m (Air Breaks do not count or accrue credit into the O2 time at 9m; on the slow 0.1m/min ascent you have to hold at whatever particular depth you're at during the 5min Air Break). The entire IWR took over 230 minutes. . . On a pain scale of 1 to 10, it was a constant 8 with impulses of "10+"; after IWR it was a 2, resolved overnight with ibuprofen and a only a dull musculoskeletal ache in my shoulder the next morning.
[Off Topic: Did you make it to both forward & aft sections and torpedo launcher in between, and did you go through the engine room of Oite Destroyer? My total run time was over three-and-half hours, with one hour BT at 60m depth; OC with double AL80's, a stage AL80 and AL80's of Eanx50 & O2 to extend out my Oxygen stop profile at 6m.]
We did both halves of the boat. Dropped down on the stern and dropped our deco bottles. Swam over to the bow section and then swam over to the stern section. Went through a small opening and swam through the engine room and then around and under the props. Probably my most memorable dive in Truk Lagoon even though I was on air. We did about 40 minutes on the bottom. I don't remember my total runtime but I would guess we were close to 2.5 or 3 hours too.