DC 500 over exposure

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Reaction score
Playa del Carmen, MX
# of dives
200 - 499
My DC500 has recently decided to start over exposing any topside pictures taken outdoors in bright to normal daylight. Indoor or U/W flash work fine.

I´ve confirmed that all of the camera exposure options are set to auto, I´ve tried all of the various flash options with no change to the over exposure problem. The firmware has been updated.

The camera has worked fine since new, until last week.

Anyone have any words of advice for me.

Sounds like you have already covered the basics. I'd call SL Tech Support: 800-257-7742. If you have to send it in, they are very nice about helping. Let us know what you learn, ok...?
Well, I spoke with Carl at tech support. Bottom line is, time for a new camera. The only consolation is the rebate coupon available at the Sealife website.
Have you tried any photoshop on the images?

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