Datura/Hibiscus Sat May29

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OK since I have been accused of being a threadjacker and wish to distance myself from such a undistinguishable title or reputation (is that better Mike :wink: ) ROTFLMAO
I will post the following:
Hey Guys/Gals, I finally convinced my brother in law to give scuba a try for the first time we'll be at Datura/Hibiscus Sat around 8:30 with the wife and kids if anyone else would to beach dive that morning feel free to join us.

OK since I have been accused of being a threadjacker and wish to distance myself from such a undistinguishable title or reputation (is that better Mike :wink: ) ROTFLMAO
Ah, Juan, this is SOOOOO much better! Greg downstairs predicts great wether (a no-brainer). Bring your cameras... I was out yesterday for a bit and though it's still cloudy it'll be GREAT by Saturday).
Yeah I have been checking out the forecast and if you don't get wet this weekend you'll most definetly be missing out !!!
This dive should be fun, I have been trying to get my brother in law to try it out for the longest time. I first got him to join us for the family beach outing there then sprung the question "wanna scuba?" :wink: needless to say I already rented a BC and Reg for him so there is no backing out. He will also have the honor of sharing my nickname with our family members "sharkbait" :D

I went out today for a couple of hours for the first time in several months - that's right, MONTHS (except for snorkeling). It was such a nice day I made it all the way out to the balls, along the wall and then back home via the pier.

There was a light current south with an 81-degree water temp, no surge and about 45' visibility... not the best we can do here but certainly nothing to complain about!!!!!

Tomorrow I suggest that you head north into the current and then drift back... it's a great little drift. Stay high and come down when you see something cool... like a spotted eel feeding in the rubble or a Turk or Cow changing colors, or one of the many large file fish hanging around filing.

I saw that just about everybody is back - all the triggers, various eels, and other fish that have boycotted us since the winter. I did not see any nurse sharks, rays or reef squid, but since we see turtles on the shoare I know they're there someplace.

The "snook place" is still "snooked" with that "moving wall" they create when zagging away from a diver... has anybody noticed that their schools react to divers similar to the way sheep react to a sheep dog? The barracuda are all thin and pale now because it's been so long since the pier has chummed... I fear they'll all be moving out to better feeding grounds soon.

Have a blast, everybody! I'll be leaving early and back late so won't see y'all unless you come by for the Sunday dives.
Well, I saw a ray, an eel, a trumpetfish, & a nurse shark on my little after work dive yesterday... :wink:
Missed the turtle last night though- my neighbors didn't wake me up!!
Hey, we are all gathering at the jacks tomorrow, why not join us there?
Would be good seeing ya and Josie again...
Well, I saw a ray, an eel, a trumpetfish, & a nurse shark on my little after work dive yesterday... :wink:
Missed the turtle last night though- my neighbors didn't wake me up!!
Sorry I had to run... burned the rice lol... but you were in the middle of your story - did you dive solo? If so, Woooo-Hooooo! If not, then good for you anyway. Gotta love it!
Hi Mike/Marvel,

It sounds like you had a great dive there, from the sounds of the forecast it should stay that way all weekend :D FINALLY
Looks like I will be in your neck of the woods Sunday and Monday mornings instead of Sat and Sun for dives. If I don't see you around the beach, I'll give you a call on the cell before jumping in.

Thanks for the offer Jenny, I'm introducing my brother in law to scuba for the first time so I didn't want to overwhelm him at the jacks and thought Datura would be a more comfortable first time for him, also the kids insisted on the beach. as it stands now it's more like family pool day/BBQ on Satruday and diving in Lauderdale Sun & Mon.

Awwhhh bummer, Juan. Its family day/ Dive day/ BBQ at the Jacks today then diving on Monday...Mike is scheduled for shore duties on Monday....We tenatively are planning on Pompano for Monday. Sure I can't change your mind?
Hey glad to hear everybody had a terrific dives this weekend it was sure great to see the ocean clam once again and be able to get wet !!!!
The Datura site was excellent with quite a few divers on site. The water was nice and warm and vis was about 30' with a mild northerly current. Since this was my brother in law's first time diving (trying to get him hooked :wink: ) we stayed on the first reef for both dives and saw lots of small fish, hermit crabs, and one eel about 3 feet long. I kept looking for the resident nurse but alas she was not to be found (I would have paid anything to see the look on his face) The highlight was on the second dive though when two big sea turtles came by and circled us curiously a few times then graciously glided off into the distance.
We had a great time and he did quite well for a first timer without any lessons, just a few brief instructions from me. He is looking forward to coming out with me again in the near future so we may have another diver in the family to also have the distinction of having the nickname "sharkbait" :D


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