I am a "hard headed" wetsuit diver hanging with the dry suit crowd. Living in central Illinois I have logged 39deg bottom temp in April the past few years. Aside from cramping in my legs and cold feet I am concerned about any real dangers...
Wife always said I have a cold heart, can I chill my blood or "cramp" my main muscle?
In addition to possible heart attack, what symtoms would be beginning hypothermia?
I am a 52 year old diver in good health. Not looking for opinions, but facts from folks I can trust more then my GP doc that know more about diving related dangers.
Wife always said I have a cold heart, can I chill my blood or "cramp" my main muscle?
In addition to possible heart attack, what symtoms would be beginning hypothermia?
I am a 52 year old diver in good health. Not looking for opinions, but facts from folks I can trust more then my GP doc that know more about diving related dangers.