Dangerous Crossing

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The fact that this is the SAME shop who has once again placed divers lives in danger probably has many people scratching their heads.

Geeze I must have missed something here. I've never known Mau to have put divers in danger in the past.

Thank God all are safe. Thank you to all who helped.
The fact that this is the SAME shop who has once again placed divers lives in danger probably has many people scratching their heads.

Geeze I must have missed something here. I've never known Mau to have put divers in danger in the past.

Thank God all are safe. Thank you to all who helped.

Maybe you should go find the bounce dive thread. Scuba Mau put divers at risk for years doing bounce dives and it eventually bit them in the arse. NOW Scuba Mau once again put divers lives at risk.......get it? I think that about does it for the Scuba Mau cheerleading threads in this forum or anywhere else.
I'm not sure that the current scuba mau has anything to do with the accident that took Opal's life. A quick internet search shows that Opal's Dream seems to have picked up where Opal's Scuba Mau left off. This appears to be a new company but this is an observation from over 1500 miles away, so take it with a grain of salt.
Dear Ron,

It used to be an Aldora Dive boat, indeed the missing Aldora II. After it sank several times with damage we got rid of it... as if it were cursed. It has had several owners since then, but the latest incarnation that sank was not it. The owners just changed the name on the former glass bottom boat so as to use the park permits that Aldora II/Living Underwater had. Completely illegal even in Mexico, it just is indicative of craziness that goes on in Cozumel. Almost sure no insurance existed either, indeed, could not have given its illegal status
Hummm, thought Mau was out of the picture B4 the "bit them in the arse" comment.
Him being out of the picture at the EXACT time of what happened does not mean he didn't see what was going on for years. He knows exactly how reckless his employees were long before the "Opal" tragedy. NOW he decides to put money ahead of safety in this incident......any more salient questions?
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Everyone laughs at me wearing my snorkel vest on any moving boat. I'm probably more likely to go overboard from my own klutz actions than from a boat accident, but whatever - I find it difficult to accept that most don't wear any sort of flotation device on moving boats, even just headed south to the dive sites?
Accidents do happen. A couple hundred a year die that way in the states.

The google translated article was challenging of course, but 15 to 30 seconds to abandon boat - there wouldn't be time to grab much. Cheers for the free divers who got down to grab some BCs before the boat sunk. I do wear my mirror hung from my neck even before gearing up but I guess that and my vest is all I'd have for the 4 or 5 hour float. Lordie...!

I've made that crossing a few times in small boats, no biggie if the seas are calm enough and don't change. No, it's not as safe as doing so in a larger boat, but then I really expect more adventurous exposure anytime I leave the country, to any Caribbean or Latin country and try to think of what I might do if caca hits the fan.

Very glad everyone came out ok. :thumb:
My personal goal is to learn from this thread, and those like it. I learn from facts, not conjecture, blame laying, personal animosity, professional rivalry nor self aggrandizement. Every individual is responsible for their own safety, or ensuring those who are tasked with their their safety do so. Everyone has their own level of tolerance for research, safety and enjoyment. Bickering does not aid in learning.
Wow, some of you guys are a little harsh. I mean I don't think I would want to cross on that small a boat with one motor, but is it that uncommon? And if you wanted your boat "inspected" who would you get to do that? I have some pictures of another boat that sinks occasionally because of a bit of a low transom or freeboard or something. It sank in the shallows though and another powerful boat pulled it up. I mean it is Mexico. Seriously, if you are in a six pack going to Playa, don't you figure most everyone had some idea that there was some risk? Seriously walk around and look at stuff and realized this aint disney world and you have to look out for yourself. First trip down my wife's girlfriend was along. She works for a power company and almost has a seizure when she looked as some of the wiring on poles along the street. But hey, its Mexico and it works. As for personal responsibility, I am thinking seriously about those nifty little radios.

And don't saddle Mau with the other accident as he was gone. I hear he is a nice guy and that simply isn't fair.
MMM & Dave and whom ever else may care,

This is indeed the Living Underwater that you see here after Wilma livingunderwater.jpgshe was restored by her owner Max and continued to serve as a dive boat in Cozumel until she sank again late this past summer never to return to the water again after she was brought up from the bottom of caleta harbor. She now sits out in the jungle across from caleta rotting. This boat seen here is the boat that sank yesterday trying to make the crossing with 9 people aboard 18 tanks and all of their dive gear, fruit and ice water (room temp for Kevin) 390078_151181444986885_100002850905756_189638_1480870581_n.jpgThis boat was a glass bottom boat at one point in time and the viewing hole was converted into a fish box a few years ago. This new Living Underwater use to be called the Nora Gabriela. 229182_1945583232937_1043197207_2257602_1904182_n.jpgThe Nora was not able to get permits to take divers into the park diving, this is why it was always seen taking divers north or fishing outside the park when Opal was alive (rest in peace dear friend). The Nora was taken from the boys at the dive shop along with the name of the shop after Opal's passing with threats of lawsuits by Mau.
Now...... Mau still has a problem his new shop is called Scuba Mau and his boat (without a working engine) is called the Nora Gabriela which is not aloud in the park, so he strikes up a deal with Max for the permits for the Living Underwater and gets some financial help from some friends ( a few of them were on the boat when it sank yesterday ) and they proceed to give the Nora a face lift, a brand new shinny 4 stroke yamaha and a new name with permits to take divers into the park.

So when Darol said KARMA! I think he hit it spot on but thats just my interpretation.

I am thankful no one was hurt aside from a little sunburn and pruning but why are they not telling their story of what happened?
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