"Danger is My Business"

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Hello Sinking Fast,

I'm afraid the combination of my old eyes and the resolution of my monitor make your postings impossible to make out. Is there another site or way I can see this?

Thank you,


If you'll double click on the images, they will come to a different screen, and may be more readable.

John D Craig

I do not recall John making producing or starring in a TV program titled 'Danger is my business." Evidently he did...? However, at that time John was on a lecture tour.

I do recall him in the TV program "Kingdom of the sea" which aired in the 1950s. His co-host was a young good looking young lady by the name of Zale Parry

He wrote "Danger is my business" , which was published in 1938 by Literary Guild of New York and a second issuance which is the rare edition by Garden City publishing
company of New York in 1941.

John was a good friend and occasional diving buddy --on November 1,1962 he inscribed Danger is my business to me as follows "To Sam Miller--with best wishes-From one lousy diver to another! John D Craig, Nov.1,1962"

We remained in contact for many years via telephone calls and occasional chance meetings. After he retired to Phoenix we corresponded ocasionally. In 1990 he had a debilitating stroke and could not correspond, but I continued sending him tidbits of who, what, when, and where and since I was publishing in several magazines I always made certain he had copies of my articles.

He passed away on August 30th 1997 in Phoenix at the age of 97, he was burried at Rose hills in Whittier California.

John was married 2 times --the marriage to "Gloria" mentioned in his book didn't last long and he never ever mentioned her. His wife was Millie Day Craig, they had two daughters, one Cathy lives in Texas and is probaly in early 60s, I have lost track of the youger one..

Millie was known for her baked beans---they were are and will always be her legacy. She always brought them to the parties during the early days of recreational diving. Some years ago she gave me a copy of the recipe...I shared it with only a few members of the tribe. The last time I had any was at the induction of the Fathers of Free Diving and Spearfishing in 2000--one of the tribe members brought it to the party!
Lots of memories for all of us!-- John & Millie and all the good times past.

There are many many stories about John--I could go on and on but this is enough...

I would be interested to talk with you and anyone who is related to col. John D Craig. My grandfather robert buchanan produced "Of Lands and Seas" and was a good friend of Johns. We still have lots of footage.
I am trying to locate an episode titled "Phantom Leathernecks" from the TV series "Danger is my Business." This episode is about the Marine Corp 1st Force Reconnaissance company based at Camp Pendleton California. This episode shows divers from the amphibious group in reconnaissance training exercises.

The episode aired in the late 1950s.

My father was a diver in 1st Force Reconnaissance from 1957-1958 and was in this company at it's inception. He was in the episode "Phantom Leathernecks" and he and his family would dearly love to find the footage.

Does anyone know if footage of this episode exists?
Another bump with a hope that Sam has uncovered more info about John D. Craig. Perhaps another post or two selected from his memory banks telling us about some of his adventures with the Colonel.

In the meantime here's a link previously unknown to me followers of this thread may enjoy:

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Just finished reading the book. Anyone know what ever happened to his first wife, Gloria Rovzar?
When will this thread die?

re Gloria Rovzar

John never ever spoke of her.

I recall one instant about 1965 or so when we were on a LA Co UW instructors outing at the YMCA Camp Fox on Catalina island and were all setting around in a cabin at night -believe it or not - eating pies and telling dive stories.

We all had our turn at bragging about the big bugs, fish and other sport diving stories, but it was John Craig who was in rare mood and was in top gear. I specificly recall his story of Scammons in Baja which I have subsquently visited it numerous times in my travels--it was nothing like he described --he was the master of embellishment.

He then switched to his "Danger is my business" stories, basicly re-telling the adventures he had described in the book. Many of us owned and or had read the book so the stores were not new but certainly interesting when comming from the mouth of the author. Somewhere during the evening he glossed over his marriage to Gloria, but mentioned every one else who were with him during that time frame. Some one asked about Gloria-what happened to her? It was as if he didn't hear the question and keep on telling his story.

I later learned that he never ever spoke of her. One can only question why? was a trauma involved? did she pass away? was there a divorce? No one apparently knew, and no one wanted to inquire.

So the answer is I don't know!

I do know that Millie was the love of his life and was loved by all who had contact with her. She was one of a kind!

I assume Millie is no longer with us, but they had two daughters - one lived in Texas and the other I think Phoenix, however, I don't have their address or recall their maried names.

So we are stuck for now,

Thanks Sam, I always look forward to your post.

When will this thread die? Well, when you get John Craig into the Diving Hall of Fame!


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