helium and 21 per cent oxygen was breathed by the two subjects under
a pressure equivalent to ninety feet of sea water for a period of ap-
proximately one hour. At the end of that time, by employing several
emergency valves in addition to the regular outlets on the recompression
chamber, the two subjects were decompressed in two minutes without any
apparent ill effects. The reduction in decompression time, as computed
against standard navy tables, is forty-five minutes. The ratio of helium-
decompression to nitrogen decompression in this instance is as 1 is to 23.5.
The temperature in the chamber fell from 72’F. to 45’F. during the
period of decompression.
Aside from raising the pitch and altering the quality of the voice,
inhalation of helium-oxygen mixtures under pressure appeared to have no
unusual effect . It is my belief that in addition to shortening the time
necessary for safe decompression, helium may also free divers from the
untoward psychological effects of air at high pressures. Since Behnke,
Thomson, and Motley (1935) called attention to the fact that the lipoid
coefficient of nitrogen is great enough to cause it to be suspected as the
cause of the “narcotic” effect of air at high pressures, experiments in this
laboratory on the effects of helium on the state of consciousness of men
working under pressure have been very encouraging. The relative in-
solubility of helium in lipoid tissue makes it an ideal gas for use in testing
the theory of Behnke, Thomson, and Motley.
In this paper no attempt has been made to discuss the cause of com-
pressed-air illness or the factors influencing susceptibility to it. Considera-
tion of these problems in the light of complicating phenomena observed in
this laboratory will be attempted in a later paper. In this connection,
however, it is interesting to notIe that shortening of the coagulation time
of the blood after decompression has been found consistently.
While the results reported in this paper serve fully to justify the writer’s
expectations for helium-oxygen mixtures, they are reported in the hope
that they will stimulate more work by others in this very promising field.
Only by careful investigation such as is being carried on in developing
decompression tables and other data for use with helium-oxygen mixtures
in the Craig-Nohl diving dress will helium-oxygen mixtures be made
universally available to those individuals who are subjected to the dangers
of compressed-air illness. Above all, the fact that two persons have
suffered no apparent ill effects following decompression in two minutes’
time after having breathed a helium-oxygen mixture at a pressure equiv-
alent to ninety feet of sea water for approximately one hour should not be
interpreted by anyone as an attempt to establish this as a safe rate of
decompression under the circumstances. Such figures are, however,
highly encouraging.
Grateful acknowledgment is made to Mr. James T. Howington, Vice
President of the Girdler Corporation, for the helium used in these experi-
1. After breathing a helium-oxygen mixture under pressure, two sub-
jects have been uneventfully decompressed in less than
of the time required when compressed air is breathed.
one twenty-third
2. Attention is called to several possibilities of helium-oxygen mix-
tures as a substitute for compressed air for men working under increased
BEHNKE, A. R., R. M. THOMSON AND E. P. MOTLEY. This Journal 112: 554, 1935.
BERT, P. La Pression Barometrique. Paris, 1878.
BOYCOTT, A. E., G. C. C. DAMANT AND J. S. HALDANE. J. Hyg. 8: 342, 1908.
HAWKINS, J. A., C. W. SHILLING AND R. A. HANSEN. U. S. Nav. Med. Bull. 33:
327, 1935.
HAWKINS, J. A. AND C. W. SHILLING. J. Biol. Chem. 113: 649, 1935.
SAYERS, R. R., W. P. YANT AND J. H. HILDEBRAND. Report of Investigations-
Bureau of Mines. R. I. no. 2670, 1925.
United States Navy Department Diving Manual. Washington, 1925.