Well I would rather dive with any type 1 that can recognize a hypo. that is more important than being type 1 or 2. If I feel an onset of hypo I still have 30 minutes to correct. Since I drill with my cake frosting underwater I can correct if I want. I have never had to use it once. I am on a pump and I can set-up a rising BG easily by lowering my basil rate prior to disconnecting from the pump and I disconnect and hour prior to diving. My Humalog insulin has peaked and is going away when I get in. I usually come out anywhere from 100 to 220. I love drift dives! I think they are a cool way to get some milage without over excertion. All in all I think it would be a great idea for Diabetic diver to form dive clubs and get to know each other. Maybe offer education to non-diabetic dive partners for members. Imagine what it would be like if one day it was as common to find a diver on board that had D-Buddy training as it is to find one with a CPR or any other First Aid card.