I'm servicing an old Pacer 900 for the first time, referring to an old manual kindly provided years ago by knotical.
I'm unable to remove the balance chamber. It appears it should drift out, being held only by a captured o-ring. However, I've whacked it fairly hard with a punch down through the throat on the opposite side, and also tried pressing it out in the vise jaws, but I don't think it has budged.
Am I going about this wrong? Should I just leave it where it is?
I'm unable to remove the balance chamber. It appears it should drift out, being held only by a captured o-ring. However, I've whacked it fairly hard with a punch down through the throat on the opposite side, and also tried pressing it out in the vise jaws, but I don't think it has budged.
Am I going about this wrong? Should I just leave it where it is?
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