If this design has two pistons or two membranes. Then it I have developed such regulator. I send to all companies that they have helped me with manufacture of regulators. Has sent drawings. And here that from this it has turned out.
I have developed a regulator of new generation. The design of a regulator eliminates a problem of density of gas which arises with depth of immersing and does not freeze in cold water. To understand as my regulator works is necessary to refuse for ever from the theory of submission of gas which is applied today in SCUBA equipments. At use of air in my regulator it is possible to be immersed up to depth 400F not diluting air by helium.
I have developed a regulator 30 years ago. In my regulators I have applied other theory of quantity and speed of a stream of gas necessary to breath on the big depth. When I have compared sketches of the regulator to sketches of foreign manufacturers have found out that designs of foreign regulators limit speed and quantity{amount} of a stream of air. And this mistake of a stream of gas 50 years exists in modern regulators. It is very a pity to me that having a regulator which characteristics have no analogue in the world I could not inform during 30 years. Because I had no opportunity to communicate with foreign manufacturers till 1991. I tested the regulator on depth of 30 meters at temperature of water +5C and I had no problems with breath and freezing. Only in 2001 I informed all companies if my regulator has interested the company to help me with registration of the patent. My financial position does not allow to issue the international patent. I for a long time corresponded with all companies the USA. But all of them wanted that I have arrived to them and if I cannot, have sent sketches of my regulators. Only I can trust one company IDI and personally Jason Desmul. I believe him he dear person. Jason has sent me the invitation to visit IDI. But the emigratory service has not given the visa. Soon company IDI has gone bankrupt. To help the company I has sent some sketches of my regulators. Jason has written that if at him the opportunity he will appear will restore the company. One year ago I have received from him last letter. And any more I have no contact with IDI. I would like to ask NAVY if it probably to come into contact with Jason he will give the additional information on me. If it is not possible and NAVY I will give me the company under your guarantee shall be very glad to negotiate about the further destiny of regulators.
I would send some correspondences with Jason that you could estimate as strongly we trusted each other.
Best regards,
Oleg Dynnyk mail to
Ukraine, UA
03061 Kiev.
Geroiv Sevastopolya 25, fl. 66
Tel. (38044) 404-53-45 mob 38044 0952758502
P.S. I ask a pardon, but it not spam. If such lines of the letter aren't pleasant to you. I won't write.
Also I regret for English language. I awfully I speak.