cut off signatures

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Well, I removed everything except the ticker and it still cuts off part of the ticker (the part that states the amount of days left 'til the event), even without my signature. The ticker isn't four lines long. Even the post above with the Christmas stuff on it was only 5 lines long with the ticker.
I was wrong. sjspeck got it below
You have a space in your signature before the ticker. Remove it and it will fit. It may be that the code is embedding the space. All you want in your signature is everything between the
Hmmm. This is only one line long. I deleted everything except everything between the
tags. So I guess I can either have a ticker or a sign-off, but not both.
Hmmm. This is only two lines long. I deleted everything except everything between the
tags. The bottom line is still cut off.
Now you've got it.
So I guess I can either have a ticker or a sign-off, but not both.
Unless you use a smaller ticker, like the four at the top of this page
Why are signatures limited to being so small?

It seems that especially with the size of the information pane on the left, larger signatures wouldn't make the posts that much longer, and would help fill up some of the empy space in the majority of the posts in each thread.

I'm not saying they should be anything huge, but on the other forums I've been on, they're typically allowed to be about twice the height of the ones on here, which makes it much easier to put a lot more information/pictures in them and have it be recognizable and make sense.
Its not a four line thing.

Its a real estate thing. Its a space thing. Its a square footage thing.

SB is just not able to put up the invsible pane of death in your Preview Signature function - so your sig may be out of bounds and you may not ever know it.

Unless you go in an read your own posts.

List of reasons I've read for the mystery cloaking device at the bottom of the page:

* Unsightly posts - some people simply don't care for long or graphic filled signatures. (no accounting for taste)

* Dial Up users impacted

* Slippery slope of "where do you draw the line"

* The TOS says 4-lines. How do you regulate size when 4 lines can be 4 lines, plus graphics, etc.?

Go figger.

Be creative, stay within the allocated mystery area, stay out of the laser protected DMZ death panel and its all good.



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