cut off signatures

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The way to keep your sigs visible across all screen resolutions is to keep them short, use small fonts and centered. Like mine:
I'm running Firefox 2.0 and it is just the very bottom part of your fourth line that is cut off. Most of the line is visible to me. Anyone else seeing her sig partially cut off as well?
Lose your bookmarks(side toolbar) and it should straighten out. It's your screen resolution in conjunction with her long sig that does it.

btw, I see what you do also. But I like having the side toolbar up.
Well, those are good guesses, but neither is right. Thankfully, I'm not "old fashioned." My screen rez is set to 1280X1024. I don't like and don't have the side bookmarks toolbar turned on. Her sig line is still cut off.
Do you have your font set larger than normal?

I'm typing this using Firefox at 1280x1024 and I see everyone's sig in this post correctly and entirely.
Actually it works even with the Firefox bookmarks sidebar in place. But my screen font is small and hard to read on a 19" monitor.

In your prior post, the last word on the top line is "like", after that it wraps. With the bookmarks sidebar in place it's "to".
Do you have your font set larger than normal?

I'm typing this using Firefox at 1280x1024 and I see everyone's sig in this post correctly and entirely.
Actually it works even with the Firefox bookmarks sidebar in place. But my screen font is small and hard to read on a 19" monitor.

In your prior post, the last word on the top line is "like", after that it wraps. With the bookmarks sidebar in place it's "to".

We have a winner! I'm going to keep the font size set larger though, as the few sigs that are getting cut off is not a big deal. I like the bigger font size for readability. It's nice to know what's going on and why though. Thanks for your help.
My ticker won't work :( Is it because of the limit? I'm using Mozilla/Firefox 2.0.
My ticker won't work :( Is it because of the limit? I'm using Mozilla/Firefox 2.0.
Ticker? Whatever you have on your Sig is as tall as allowed with the software.
My ticker won't work :( Is it because of the limit? I'm using Mozilla/Firefox 2.0.
Its there, just hidden by the limit imposed.
My ticker won't work :( Is it because of the limit? I'm using Mozilla/Firefox 2.0.
:reindeer: Gayla :reindeer:
:reindeer: :xmastree: :reindeer:

This is your complete signature. As you can see, it's a bit more than 4 lines...

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