Currently in US, what are the "must go" dive sites?

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Coqui Diver:
Jupiter, Florida during the lemon shark aggregation going on right now. Tons of tortoises, goliath groupers, lemon sharks, nurse sharks, even a few bull and hammerhead sharks. Saw all that during one dive last year.

Its now feb 20 +++ is it too late to see this dive? Hubby's down there now and looking for different dives.
Hi Guys,

thanks for all your great ideas, due to my time limitation, i've choosed to dive at key largo.

i went there on monday morning, reached boston yesterday at 2pm. tiring trip, need lots of rest :p All in all, it's a good dive, and a wonderful place, people around, weather (much much warmer than here :p)

on monday morning (5am), i supposed to take the US airways, connecting at charlotte to ft. lauderdale.

Went through the checkpoint, one of the TSA guy asked me "what is in this bag?" after looking at the camera from the scanner. I told them it was my regulator for diving. so, they noted and wished me a pleasant trip :D

All the passengers boarded the plane at boston, and suddenly, all went dark. According to the crew, the ground machine that provides power for the electricity on the plane went down. All passengers were directed back to the waiting hall. Waited for about 45 minuties, and the gate people started to transfer passenger to other flights, as they don't know when they'll be able to fix that plane.

I complained to them, saying that i supposed to have a connecting flight at charlotte at 9am, but it was almost 7am. so, they transfered me to a direct flight to ft. lauderdale, nothing else they can do.

i am supposed to reach ft. lauderdale at 11am, drive down to ft. lauderdale and dive in the afternoon.

but plan changed, reached ft. lauderdale at 2pm, got my rented car, was struggling keeping right :p But it was a nice journey down to Key Largo. and thanks for the maps provided by mapquest :) but during the journey, i hardly look at the map, just followed the signs. All went well.

Reached Silent World at about 5pm, signed form, paid for the package. Started diving on Tuesday morning. Since they were not going out for Spiegel Grove on tuesday, they asked me to join Ocean Divers on tuesday morning and afternoon. On wednesday morning, only then I joined silent world, to the spiegel grove again :p was actually planning to dive Duanne, but they can't find any operators that is going out for Duanne on tuesday.

Tuesday morning came, i reached they super early 7am, since i "didn't" know what to espect, what and how were the procedures of diving with a charter boat. After waiting for about 30mins, the shop finally opened. Went in and signed the form, asked a few questions on the procedures, when should i suit up, setup my gear and stuff. Boat was going out about 8am. at about 7.45am, the captain told me that i can carry my stuff onto the boat if i want. Brought them onto the boat, and managed to set it up before the boat left.

While still within the "no wake zone", i suited myself up :p coz i think i'll be slow, so, it's better to be early, than people waiting for me later :p

Ocean Divers has a big boat, only about 8 of us, very spacious. The captain and dive master were very friendly, Since i'm alone there, and keeping quite throughout the boat journey, the dive master came and talked to me. It was very nice of him. I was teamed up with a buddy on the boat (i didn't know that he is also a dive master, until we finished the trip :p)

Went down with him to the spiegel drove. visibility is quite good, no current, it was wonderful! went down to 29meters. Captain warned us not to penetrate, only swim through ... "no light, cannot go in", they was an accident about 10 days ago. I'm not sure whether it was about the 3 divers.

Since it was about 4 months since my last dive, i was struggling initially, with my new back inflate bc and my bouyancy :p any tips to improve my bouyancy?

Ascent at about 80psi with 3mins safety stop, air ended up about 40psi on the boat.

We went to Benwood on our 2nd dive. This time, one of my fins slipped through my arm when i was struggling with the tagged line :( initially i was about to go down, since i "can" see the bottom :p but my buddy, stopped me and signalled me that he will get it for me.

gosh, it was so embarrasing :p but luckily, he didn't mind at all :) and told me, "how are you doing to swim/dive without a fin?"

In the afternoon trip, only 4 of us, my buddy and i, and 2 others. same captain and dive master. same thing, setup my gear and suited up before hitting the open water. This time we went to molesses reef, for both of the dives. A bit of current, was struggling with it and my weight (10lbs). i should have lessen it since i'm using a ss back plate. damn tired, especially my ankle. was flipping, but i was not moving. I'm using a mares quattro excel. i think it's too hard for me :( i'm thinking of getting those softer fins, like avanti x3 or the tusa imprex tri-ex.

This time, "damn", something happened again. my spool and clip got disconnected. thus the string got released. My buddy noticed it first, and signalled me. so, kneeled down, and started rolling back the string.

A very embarrasing day but a great dive :) thanks to my buddy for the great help :)

At the end of the day, my buddy told me that he is a dive master, and he has seen a lot of beginners, and he said i was really calm, know what i was doing in the water, and good at my air :D enjoyed diving with me

Thanks for his compliments :p :D

On the 2nd day (wed), dove with Silent World, they have a smaller boat, a lot smaller. we went out to spiegel grove again. they is a big box in the center of the boat, not sure what is it. so, for those sitting at the side of the box, they cant wear their fins unless they are at the exit... too cram.

captain was very strict, but friendly. When we were gearing up at the dive site, he sang to cheer us up, asked us to join him, but at the end, noone joined him. maybe we were busy gearing up ourselves :D

I was teamed up with a new buddy, young chap, he was nice. He was leading the dive and i followed. This time, everything went smoothly, i didn't really struggle with my weight (lessen it to 5lbs) and everything. my full concerntration was on the spiegle grove. wow, i can see more things than yesterday. maybe during my previous dive, was struggling with everything, since i didn't dive for a long time.

Second dive, we went to benwood, well, i can see more things again :p

I can't dive in the afternoon, as i'll be flying off on thursday 6am. (about 18 hours)

Drove to miami and back to airport. It was a fun experiance. and i can never forget this wonder full trip.

till my next destination :D ...
Thank You for updating us. Enjoyed reading about your dive trip. I am looking forward to dive Spiegel Grove one day.
lots of mistakes when i read back.. sorry :D

was tired to check back the other day.... :11doh:

i feel pain on my fingers near the nail area after the first dive... not sure whether it was a symptom of DCS :)

and on friday or so... feeled pain on my knee, not sure whether is it DCS or maybe i carried too much heavy things during my journey.. especially my dive bag :sprite10:
I think the pains are more to do with the excersise than DCS.
Glad you had a good trip.
Are you going to manage any more time off while you are in the USA?

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