CSSP Dive Report - 08/29/04

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Dallas, TX
This is a cross-post from CSSP's website, not sure if all of you go there..

BUT.. Sunday was a blast at CSSP. Will (from Emerald Sea Divers in Richardson) and I went out and did 3 dives at the park. Not much of a report, but here goes:

As always, the folks at the front were nice (I'm prejudice since I'm from East Texas too chuckle).
Will and I took the furthest NW shelter, so we could use the shore entry (I had never walked in on a shore entry like that).
Visibility for the day was about 10'. Lowest water temperature I noticed (had to have missed it) was 78F.

Had 2 cylinders, both with 2800 psi in them.

Dive 1 - Shore Entry. Had problems with my old Zeagle BC (small leak near dump-valve) that cost me some air. Got that fixed and away we went. We cruised around the NE and E wall area. Went to 37' max, with most cruising at 30' ish. 37 minute dive.

Took my now low cylinder to the refill station and asked the to fill it and that I would return after the next dive.

Dive 2 - Doc Entry, giant stride. We went to the plane and I went in it for the first time. Just a fast swim through, but it was exciting! Cruised around looking for the coffin, but never found it. 39' max. 38 minute dive.

Picked up my now refilled cylinder, it contained 2800 psi.

Dive 3 - Doc Entry, dropped BC into the water, jumped in, and donned on the surface. I tried out my new compass and didn't do very well. So as we're lost, guess what we find? The coffin! Took a few photos (hope they come out) as proof. 41' max. 31 minute dive.

The dive day started at around 9:30 and ended around 1:20. Sat and ate a sandwich and then went home. Yes, another nice day at CSSP.

Sounds like you had a great time! I found the coffin once, while going to the plane, but haven't seen it since. Of course, since I haven't been diving in forever, that might explain it...

Foo, get Des to guide you, he hit the coffin twice on one dive last Friday. I was impressed until he said, ooops...

Seriously, he hit the coffin twice on a Nav run that covered the highlights of the north end, including the plane.

So, has anyone found the gator?
if i remember correctly the gator is close to the boat.. found it one time on accident

I saw the gator on Saturday, by accident I hate to admit. Found it when I missed the shark (how does one miss something that big?) on the first pass. Buddy and I didn't know about the gator, he thinks he saw the head move, lol.
I can see how you found it in relation to the boat, it is between the shark and the boat, not in a direct line between the two but south of a direct line I would say. I bet someone has a line on it?
Beast and I did see the plane but missed all the other stuff. Guess we need to hire a guide next time! :wink:
My friend and I snuck in a dive with a group of swampers. We came out and setup near your campsite, since we read that you would be there, and overheard that someone was going to the coffin. Since we hadn't seen it yet we asked if we could tag along and you guys were nice enough to let us follow. The group didn't find it on the way out but on the way back we found the coffin. I always thought it was open?

Anyhow, I introduced myself to a couple of you but maybe next time we will come fully prepared to participate. We dove 2 tanks and then due to other commitments we had to leave.

Thanks for letting us tag along and we'll see you next time.

Sorry I could not make the Sat. Swamp Divers gathering...wanted to meet you guys. I had Sunday open so made 3 dives with the wonderful folks from Surface Interval Scuba-Arl.. We were set up on the north shore. On my first dive did 42'/77f, chilly. Longest dive was #3 at 64min.. Charley T. want to meet up with you sometime and stir-up the bottom--lol.
My friend and I snuck in a dive with a group of swampers. We came out and setup near your campsite, since we read that you would be there, and overheard that someone was going to the coffin. Since we hadn't seen it yet we asked if we could tag along and you guys were nice enough to let us follow. The group didn't find it on the way out but on the way back we found the coffin. I always thought it was open?

Anyhow, I introduced myself to a couple of you but maybe next time we will come fully prepared to participate. We dove 2 tanks and then due to other commitments we had to leave.

Thanks for letting us tag along and we'll see you next time.


Welcome to the board!

Well, both of you are officially Swampers now! Were you still down looking at the coffin when we triangulated the position of the coffin at the surface? Looking back at the docks it's at 240 degrees from the NE corner of the wooden dock by the steps and 0 degrees from the SE corner of the pontoon dock. So...underwater bearings going out you would go 60 degrees from the wooden dock or 180 degrees from the pontoon. Sorry I missed it on the way out, had severe mask problems and got off course (if I was even on the right course in the first place). Good thing Firefyter noticed it on the way back. :D

Was great to dive with y'all, hope to see you again.

So, has anyone found the gator?

Jim...Ken, Tom, Frank and I stumbled across it but I couldn't tell you the bearings. We just happened to run in to it.
Welcome to the board!

Well, both of you are officially Swampers now! Were you still down looking at the coffin when we triangulated the position of the coffin at the surface? Looking back at the docks it's at 240 degrees from the NE corner of the wooden dock by the steps and 0 degrees from the SE corner of the pontoon dock. So...underwater bearings going out you would go 60 degrees from the wooden dock or 180 degrees from the pontoon. Sorry I missed it on the way out, had severe mask problems and got off course (if I was even on the right course in the first place). Good thing Firefyter noticed it on the way back. :D

Actually, I think Laura and I saw it at the same time, it just kinda snuck up on us..LOL. As for the bearings, I'm glad you remembered the 240 and the 0 part. I was kinda havin a brain f@rt that day, and was figuring the bearings all wrong. Instead of figuring 180º reciprocal bearings, I was figuring on around to the full circle of 360º. Shoulda known better than to argue with a boy scout. Sorry 'tooth, sometimes when I get a brain f@rt, it just won't let go...LOL. All in all a great day, but I do wish we had gotten bearings on the gator...next time I'll surface and get 'em.


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