Creation vs. Evolution

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I was saying it was false that non-humans are less related than we are

well... i thought it was true

as i understand it, most animals have far more DNA variety than humans. humans are pretty narrow when it comes to DNA (we went through a heck of a bottleneck about 70,000 years ago).

cheetas went through a heck of a bottleneck about 10,000 years ago, much worse than that of humans (it's possible that only one female chettah is responsible for the survival of the species).

so, yes, cheetahs have less DNA variance than we do, but we have a lot less DNA variance than most animals.

i could be wrong. as i said, i'm not an expert on this stuff.
"nothing" is a weird word. Nothing for most humans means a lack of something tangible or of interest. How many times has the dog barked and when you looked out the door you said "There's nothing there, be quiet". :)

You are right, nothing is something. In the spoken history of the world, it was probably more understandable to say "nothing" than to explain gasses (partially because it wasn't until recently in human history that we managed to understand gasses). Big Bang, creationism, and most development theories start us from a "nothing" state and build into what we have today. But Nothing can be something, even though we can't see it, taste it, or smell it, energy is always present and energy is something.

As to the bible I look at it with a pretty broad mind, understanding that oral history pre-dates written and that over that many years even a complete story can get abreviated. It's not surprising, and the presence of even 1 chapter in the entire bible about the creation of the world is novel since it was a time people weren't living on the planet.

Excellent point. Incidentally, the concept of nothing is very important in mathematics, as the number 0. Early cultures did not have this, their numbering started (as might have been obvious at the time) with 1. Why would you count "nothing"? :11doh: With the discovery of the 0, maths got a kick-start, so I understand.
And thus it was written that George Irvine the Third came back from the end of the line and he told of what God had said to him through the Free-Flowing Reg. And God had spoken that from this day forth that thou shalt not layeth line with a stroke. And that God hath seen the baseplate and wing and blessed it, while cursing the poodle jacket. And yea, God hath spoken and said that all primary hoses shall be seven feet long and that while the heathen shall choke on the Long Hose that all who are blessed in the eyes of the Lord and beleiveth in DIR shall dive it without issue. And God said that all shall wear black, except for when trying to look good in a Red TLS350 on video, and that Spare Airs shall forever be crap.

:D :D

Well, I believe you are wrong. I think that there were lots of different divers, some strong, some weak, some smart, some less so. The environment changed, the open oceans and warm waters became WKPPs and caves and Hogarth mutated into his new set up and witht this mutation he survived and all all those warm water mickey mouse divers perished by natural selection. But Hogarth was not as good as Irvine who mutated a little further, but who was bigger and had more muscle (not sure about brain) and eventually had all other divers mate with him to create new DIR divers.
You see, speciation proof right there in front of you :D
:D :D

Well, I believe you are wrong. I think that there were lots of different divers, some strong, some weak, some smart, some less so. The environment changed, the open oceans and warm waters became WKPPs and caves and Hogarth mutated into his new set up and witht this mutation he survived and all all those warm water mickey mouse divers perished by natural selection. But Hogarth was not as good as Irvine who mutated a little further, but who was bigger and had more muscle (not sure about brain) and eventually had all other divers mate with him to create new DIR divers.
You see, speciation proof right there in front of you :D

I'm sorry, but DIR was divinely revealed in its entirety to GI3 and passed down to the WKPP. This whole evolutionary hogarthian theory is heresy spread by the evil pizza-stained northeast wreck divers and their rebreather diving star wars bar scene bretheren. We're going to have to persecute you now...
The wise student hears of DIR and practices it diligently.
The average student hears of DIR and gives it thought now and again.
The foolish student hears of DIR and laughs aloud.
If there were no laughter, DIR would not be what it is. . .
(With apologies to Lao Tsu's Tao Te Ching, Verse 41):D
oh, i can see exactly how that relates to creation and evolution!

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