Let start with #1:
There is zero evidence for a biblical-style flood
There is zero evidence for a young earth - 100,000, 10,000, 6,000 years old, or whatever number you prefer
Given the known mutation and selection rates, there is not enough time for just two members of a "kind" to make the species we see today; even assuming a 100,000 year old earth.
Its well established that just two members of the same species cannot produce a viable population, as inbreeding will remove genetic variability far faster than mutation can create it
Other than sedimentary rock formations on every mountain, field and valley in the world. Couple that with mollusk and fish fossils just about everywhere. BTW, as a Christian I believe Genesis 1:1...every miracle that came after that is a piece of cake including the amount of water needed to flood the planet. There are stories in almost every culture, in disparate parts of the globe that talk about a great flood.
2. Again there's evidence but not a lot of time spent examing it. Science today loves to measure age of fossils as determing the age of the Earth. They completely ignore any evidence to the contrary or dismiss it as Christian Bias.
3. You say this despite the fact that modern man can be traced to a single mother about 150000 -200K years ago? BTW, saw this on the discovery channel. The gene is dubbed the Eve gene and is shared by everyone.