I don't confuse the two at all. However, because of the context of the thread, I'm just not willing to le you or anyone else dismiss the topic from discussion because it isn't part of the theory of evolution.
It isn't. End of story. So you trying to get people to say it is, is a bit weird.
In a recent post I tried to be very clear in explaining why. If you are having trouble understanding the explanation...you must be because you have arived at a false conclusion...just ask, and I'll try to further clarify it for you.
Or, perhaps you didn't explain it well?
I think the problem here is that you don't want to pay attention to the post of someone who thinks the earth is 6000 years old (you said that) and thus are not willing to address (or understand?) the question that was really asked.
I pay attention but I don't take them seriously. Yeah, I don't really respect people that don't find reality convincing.
Lets put it this way. Your interpretation of the parts of the Bible that we have discussed is as far out in left field as you think "creationism" is.
If you can direct me to the "Bible school" you attended or provide a copy of their doctional statement, maybe I can help straighten some of this out.
I attended study at:
- Waverly Christian Fellowship (now Citylife - one of the biggest churches in Australia - statement of faith
About CityLife Church)
-Good News Fellowship where I was also in charge of teaching Sunday School so was required to do a course for that (not sure if this is a requirement everywhere though) EDIT: removed incorrect link though doctrine is the same as Citylife
-Dandenong Church (that was when I was very young though so wouldn't classify it as proper study).
-I was also mentored by a guy who attended Kinsley College - you can read their statement of faith here-->
Kingsley College - Statement of Faith. That was more a home biblical school though.
So yea, so far I am yet to see a convincing argument that I have misinterpreted or do not know the Bible, other than that I have taken a different interpretation to your own. An example please?
For starters, comparing scrpture with scripture will help validate your own interpretation/understanding.
For example? I know the Bible well, as do you, but we both interpret it differently.
I think your wrong. The vast majority of Christians agree on the meaning and significance of the vast majority of scripture. The amount of dispute is probably very comparable to amount of dispute in regard to the theory of evolution.
Sure, tell that to the Anglican Church at the moment.

I am sure many Christians agree on the fundamentals such as 'there is a God'. But I doubt there is a consensus about the theory of evolution though, as many Christians reconcile the theory with their own belief system so there is a big split between Young and Old Earth Creationism for one thing. Young Earth Creationists are in the minority (well at least in my country - and I hope yours as well). Also previously you dismissed the Catholic church's views, however where I live, they make up the majority of Christians, so yeah, more Christians support MY views on evolution than yours. However, abiogenesis seems to be were the split lies, but as many people have pointed out to you, that is irrelevant to the theory of evolution.