In fact, the one question that the aethiests could not answer was based on Aquinas's 5 proofs of God. In my limited research, no scientist can solidly answer these proofs
Religion B2: Aquinas's Five Proofs. Having a "Creator" makes more sense than an infinite regression of creation and evolution.
Aquinas's Proofs 1 to 3
1 - FIRST MOVER: Some things are in motion, anything moved is moved by another, and there can't be an infinite series of movers. So there must be a first mover (a mover that isn't itself moved by another). This is God.
No...according to the Proof, something or someone had to move God, because "anything moved is moved by another". Who says that there cannot be an infinite series? If that is so, then according to the proof, God can't have an infinite series of years of life.
2 - FIRST CAUSE: Some things are caused, anything caused is caused by another, and there can't be an infinite series of causes. So there must be a first cause (a cause that isn't itself caused by another). This is God.
No...according to the Proof, something or someone had to cause God, because "anything caused is caused by another". Who says that there cannot be an infinite series? If that is so, then according to the proof, God can't have an infinite series of years of life.
3 - NECESSARY BEING: Every contingent being at some time fails to exist. So if everything were contingent, then at some time there would have been nothing -- and so there would be nothing now -- which is clearly false. So not everything is contingent. So there is a necessary being. This is God.
No...every contingent being fails to exist, but the "birds and the bees" prevails and new contingent beings are born...thus continuing existence of contingent beings and the continuation of something. This does not rule out that if there is or was a God, he is or was a contingent being. So, if God is a contingent being, he has or will fail to exist. There is no longer, or there will no longer be, a God.
Aquinas's Proofs 4 and 5
4 - GREATEST BEING: Some things are greater than others. Whatever is great to any degree gets its greatness from that which is the greatest. So there is a greatest being, which is the source of all greatness. This is God.
God is ok, not the greatest, so God had to get his greatness from something more impressively great (greater still). Is Jeebus not great? He came from God. So why cannot God come from somewhere or somewhere?
5 - INTELLIGENT DESIGNER: Many things in the world that lack intelligence act for an end. Whatever acts for an end must be directed by an intelligent being. So the world must have an intelligent designer. This is God.
OK this is brilliant. The proof essentially says, Many things in the world that lack intelligence act for an end. Whatever acts for an end must be directed by a God. So the world must have a GOD. This is God. ....Dare I continue?
Wow, that was easy. Cheap date, also?