Creation vs. Evolution

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I could reply "ditto". Every one of my arguments was met with some sort of foolishness followed by a link to a website. I thought I'd join in. Can any of you articulate a response without linking a website?
You didn't join in, you just tagged off from another who, like you was either too lazy to read the thread or too scientifically illiterate to understand it. Those of us who have participated from early on are disinclined to honor yet another of your anti-intellectual ilk with a recapitulation of what we have said before, and since it has been better said and more clearly stated by others that we can link to, we often choose to do so.

BTW: David Brin is an astrophysicist who writes SciFi, and it was in the latter category that I was linking to him.
If you believe that then you are truly ignorant. Ignorant of what science is, what evolution is, and ignorant of Darwin's personal beliefs.

Everywhere. Lets say we prove the abiogensis and evolutionary processes are 100% true, with no room for doubt. What does this tell us about the existence of a creator - nothing. In fact is says nothing about a creator what-so-ever.

Even in the above case, you still have at least two possibilities:
1) the creator did it, in the way science described
2) there is no creator and this all happened naturally

Which is exactly the point myself and many others have been trying to make this whole thread - science has nothing to say about non-physical entities. You can no more prove/disprove the existence of god using science than you can use a microscope to count angels dancing on pin-heads.

Its such a simple concept, and yet so many creationists cannot get it...


You are going to deny that classical darwinism was "to show that living beings can be explained as a result of a natural process, natural selection, without any need to resort to creator or other external process". If so, you are being dishonest. Contemporary Darwinism is what you claim to believe. An alternative creation viewpoint that would fall along the line of Stephen Meyer's statement "Science can't deny the possibility of a divine designer who so masks his creative activities in natural processes as to escape scientific detection."

Your response also shows your complete lack of understanding of the religious creationist viewpoint. It is not that creationists cannot get it, its that we believe it doesn't line up with the account in Genesis. <insert atheistic ridicule here> The implication is that if the Genesis account is incorrect, then the rest of the scripture might be as well. I'll add that the two Genesis accounts in the Bible leave room for some room for different interpretations of some things but, the crux of the account remain identical.
Life (and death) is too complicated for ordinary mortals to fully comprehend.
No ... it not, it is all really quite simple, some people just insist on complicating it is with strange and illogical belief systems.
I love a good creationist smackdown from Thalassamania and Warthaug.
Enjoy ... but no credit due, It's become like shooting really stupid fish in a very small barrel.
You didn't join in, you just tagged off from another who, like you was either too lazy to read the thread or too scientifically illiterate to understand it. Those of us who have participated from early on are disinclined to honor yet another of your anti-intellectual ilk with a recapitulation of what we have said before, and since it has been better said and more clearly stated by others that we can link to, we often choose to do so.

Why is it the left is so nasty when it comes to these debates. Have I offended you in some way? I began the task of reading the thread the other day. It's neither laziness nor illiteracy that abate me, but time itself. Suffice it to say that the first few pages were full of much of the same insults and derogatory remarks that litter your post.
If you take evolution to its logical beginning, you can't help but extrapolate it out to the abiogenesis point.
One last time, using the smallest words possible so that perhaps you might understand: Evolution has nothing to do with the origin of life, only the origin of species. Why is that so hard for you to grasp? I guess your god wold you otherwise?
the science guys get really worked up over this stuff, and testy, eh?
Why is it the left is so nasty when it comes to these debates. Have I offended you in some way?

Ignorance and unwillingness to acknowledge clear facts offends me.

This is not a left vs right thing. This is a rational vs irrational thing. I know plenty of right wingers who are capable of understanding and accepting scientific research and I know left wingers who are ignorant of them.

Is "jesus" part of your real name, btw? I ask because of your screen name.
Why is it the left is so nasty when it comes to these debates.
First of all, who ever said I was on the left? Or the right? Or in the middle? You are the one with doctinare beliefs that might be easily categorized, not me.
Have I offended you in some way?
Frankly ... yes, and not just by trying to stuff me into a pigeonhole that I do not fit in.
I began the task of reading the thread the other day. It's neither laziness nor illiteracy that abate me, but time itself. Suffice it to say that the first few pages were full of much of the same insults and derogatory remarks that litter your post.
Then keep your mouth shut until you are up to speed with the discussion, stop wasting everyone's time with stupidity that has already been, "asked and answered."
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