Sure it is. Evolution in its purest sense believes that life began in a primortal ooze.
No, it does not. Evolutionary theory deals exclusively with how life changes. Evolution cares not about how life formed - that is the science of abiogenesis. Completely different theories, with completely different data sets.
Life could have arisen from non-life, been brought here by aliens, and yes, made by god, and evolution wouldn't care. So long as that life changes and adapts in the way evolution predicts, evolution holds true.
Its a nice fairy tale. But in order for that life to start, several impossibilities need to take the random formation of a protein molecule.
This is hardly impossible. We knew as far back as the 1970's that all you need to do is mix some RNA nucleotides together (which exist naturally, BTW) and you get self-replicating molecules, which is the foundation of abiogenesis. From there you get complex reproducing systems, metacycles, protobionts, and finally life.
Not one of those steps (or the intermediary steps I left out) violates any known physical or chemical law, they are based on the experimental evidence to date, and are known to be statistically probable.
Of course, you've fallen for the classical "the chance of the DNA of a living organism arising randomly is 1:1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00,000).
Then it has to bind with others before the forces that brought it together, rip it apart again.
Are you aware of equilibrium chemistry? Of course there is a continual process of building and breakdown; that very pattern is the basis of every molicule in our universe. But so long as formation exceeds degradation you'll have a trend towards larger, more complex molecules.
In the case of the three molecules thought most likely to have been the starting form for life (RNA, aminoacids, and nucleoamides), the process of hydration (i.e. formation of longer chains) is energetically favored over dehydration (the breakdown of chains). As a consiquence, when placed in solution these molecules will spontaneously form long chains. Not only that, but they'll spontaneously form biologically active molecules, with a range of activities from endonucleases, to proteases, to polymerases, to <insert biological activity here>.
In plain English, the above means that there are a range of commonly found compounds in our universe which:
1) Spontaneously form into long chains,
2) Are stable enough to be sustained for long periods of time
3) Take on biological activities when formed into chains.