Creation vs. Evolution

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It is interesting, the interplay between Spanish Catholicism and the Aztec religion. Not only did the serpent image spur the Conquistadors along, crucifixion representations with a visible exposed heart fascinated the Aztecs, who are thought to have preferred their meals without the niceties of transubstantiation.<G>
I am still waiting for my acre and support for my family in perpetuity as we attempt to learn to fly....
But nonetheless, so many mayans were killed by europeen conquerors because of a litteral interpretation of the bible. They pray to the image of a serpent = they worship the devil. Maybe the spanish didn't have the same bible as you Mike. :wink:

I'm outta here now, this discussion will never end :sigh:

No. I don't think it was because of a literal interrpretation of the Bible.
When Jesus was instructing His desciples on how they were to conduct their ministry he said "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." Matthew 10:16

The killing was part of worldly conquest for worldly wealth. The church of spain may or may not have had any interest in their sould but the king was certainly interested in their land and their gold.
Of course we can't go back to the point where the big bang originated at infinite density and temperature, but that merely suggests that the theory breaks down. We have no idea if we're just one baby universe in a multiverse or what it all means. If you want to believe that's the moment of creation, that's fine. .

This is the main point I got of your post. The theories, fact, or whatever you presented are logical based on our present knowledge of our surroundings (what we see as our universe) and should be pursued further. But you're right, we have no idea what's beyond what we see with the most powerful telescopes. It can be compared to the horizon when looking across the Pacific from California. Given that, it makes any theory we have as to it's creation about as plausible as was the idea that the earth was flat 400 years ago.
But, it's a start and I hope we continue to delve into space. I think that's where the truth will come a million years or so....
Earlier in Matthew 16, Mark 8 and Luke 9 Jesus had just explained to them that He was to go to Jerusalem and suffer.

why would Jesus change gears and go from talking about the second coming in one sentence to talking about the transfiguration in the next? don't make sense textually.

he says he will come back with the angels and the glory of his Father, and he will give each their due reward (the second coming -- hasn't happened yet).

he then says, some of you will not die before that coming (they are all dead by now).

you can draw your own conclusions:

Matthew 16:27-28

For the Son of Man is to come in the glory of his Father with his angels, and then he will give everyone his due reward.

Truly I tell you: there are some of those standing here who will not taste death before they have seen the Son of Man coming in his Kingdom.

textually, it is clear to me he is talking about the second coming (ymmv)


by the way, no less an authority than C.S. Lewis has called this verse
the most embarrasing Bible passage for Christianity.

somebody got something wrong somewhere
one last correction, before someone else does), I just remembered the Maya civilisation was extinct when the first europeens arrived. So I should have written :so many south americans (aztecs, etc.) were killed by europeen conquerors because of a litteral interpretation of the bible. Well maybe not because of that entirely of course but many were tortured and killed in the name of it.

Now I'm gone for real :D
I just remembered the Maya civilisation was extinct when the first europeens arrived.

(Brief hijack - sorry) I think the Mayan people I've met in Mexico and Belize (as well as those living in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador) would be a little surprised to learn they are "extinct." :) True, the peak of the classical Mayan civilization was over before conquest, but there are still millions of Maya living in Central America. (

But I don't dispute that contact between the ‘Old World’ and the ‘New World’ resulted in the destruction of what some argue may have been 100s of millions of people ( and the loss of many cultures and languages.

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