Um, how is dropping all rational thought (i.e. having faith) and believing in something with out proof, easy? Especially as one must use a book with numerous contradictions as what to live their life by.
If you are a homosexual, it tells you you are sinful because of something that is innate and therefore you must have a life of abstinence.
If you are a woman it tells you, you must submit to your husband and that you are the weaker sex.
If you are anybody, it says you are sinful and must submit to a higher power in order to go to heaven, even if you have spent your life doing nothing but good deeds.
Hmm, not so easy for me personally to stomach...
See my last post regarding rebirth in the Spirit.
You become a new creation. 2 Cor 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is anew creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
Psalm 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart These- O God, You will not dispise.