Thanks, Kim for at least saying it correctly. FWIW, I am not afraid to say that I am anti-abortion.
I'm not going to involve myself in the debate over whether it is right or wrong- Mike has already done an eloquent & patient job of expressing my opinion on the subject. I simply wanted to call attention to what I see as a double standard in this debate- that euphemisms like "pro-choice" are acceptable to the majority of this crowd but that "pro-life" is deemed doublespeak.
Frankly, I find the singular lack of respect that Mike has been treated with by many people arguing with him appalling & wonder at his patience in attempting to answer the questions that he has been asked (& answered) repeatedly. He may not know it but he has the gift of evangelism.

Whether anyone agrees or disagrees with what he has to say, he does not deserve to be insulted as he has been, nor does anyone else who believes the way he does. I have yet to see any instance where he has been less than respectful of those he is debating & yet many of those same people have seen fit to ridicule him, his faith, & all Christians with impunity. I sincerely hope that if this discussion is to continue that it do so in a more respectful vein. I wonder if the same tack would be taken if the discussion were about Islam or Hinduism or Buddhism? Somehow, I doubt it.
From my POV, the arguments directed at Mike & other followers of Christ who have posted in this thread have taken the form of the very browbeating that Christians have long been accused of- rightly accused of, at times, I admit. You see, one thing that I have learned about human nature is that someone who is prone to judgmentalism & browbeating to force their ideas on someone is just as likely to occur without, as within, organized religion. I should know- I had the tendency to be that way all of my 45 years as an agnostic & have had to fight against that same sin the 6 years that I have been a Christian.
One final observation. What Mike has been talking about all along is something very different than what his opponents have been talking about. He's been talking about following Christ, His teachings, His death on the cross, the Resurrection & the salvation that was freely given to us by that sacrifice, as well as the Word of God contained in the Bible. He
has not been talking about organized religion.
I'll bow out now & go back to reading this thread. I've very little appetite for getting sucked into this debate. Thanks again, Kim, for not trying to hide behind the doublespeak & stating your honest opinion plainly & without insult.