Aren't you really saying that it is the CONCLUSIONS that are drawn by the creation scientists that you disagree with? And not the science itself?
So I go away to a conference for a few days and things get interesting. Damn, why can't you guys do this stuff when I actually have time and a reliable internet connection?
Firstly, I am unaware of a single creationist scientific study that even achieves the most rudimentary standard we expect of scientific studies. Heck, creationism (or IDism, which is essentially the same thing) don't even make the grade of being a scientific theory; hence they are virtually impossible to probe using the scientific method. This has been repeated many times in this thread already, so here's the short version.
A scientific theory is:
1) Based on all known previous data,
2) Allows one to design experiments to test the theory itself,
3) Accurately predicts the results of the experiments designed in #2, and finally
4) Is falsifiable; meaning that if it is incorrect, it is possible to directly demonstrate that it is incorrect.
Creationism/IDism fails on all four points:
1) Creationism/IDism "theory" can only exist when one ignores the literature about evolution, radioisotopes, most of geology, and you need to ignore a good portion of astophysics as well.
2) Creationism/IDism do not generate any testable hypothesis which can be analyzed in the lab, or through observation of nature.
3) Because creationism/IDism don't do #2, #3 is clearly impossible.
4) By their fundamental nature, Creationism/IDism are not falsifiable. No matter what result is found, all the creationists/IDists have to do is say "god did it", and bam - fits their theory.
So we don't reject creationism "science" because of the conclusions they draw. We reject it for the very simply reason that it is not science - they ignore the scientific method, the ignore conflicting data, and they've failed (despite a >2000 year history) do develop a testable theory.
Creationism/IDism is not science. That is not an opinion, it is fact.
Hopefully I'll be able to return in the near future, but these conferences run a murderous schedule...
Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go to a presentation on the maintenance of cell volume during cell division