Well I would hardly consider Mike's posts respectful given that he has labelled the entire population of the world sinful, he has said that homosexuals should not have equality with heterosexuals, posted paranoid comments about the 'gay agenda' and rarely been straight in answering direct questions. I find his attitudes towards homosexuals and women appalling personally. I mean, he won't even agree that organised religion has been responsible for discriminating against women and homosexuals!
Btw, I think as little of Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism as I do Christianity actually. But so far, nobody of those faiths has stepped forward with their thoughts on this debate (or at least in the last 10 pages or so).
No, he has said that we were all born with the propensity to sin & eventually we all do so. He has also never stated that homosexuality is a bigger sin than adultery or fornication (sex outside of marriage). What he has said is that, unlike the adulterer who repents from their sin, homosexuals demand that we all accept & normalize their sin. How many adulterers do you know who will do that? They don't (well, maybe except for some of those Hollywood "stars" that are always in the news

). That is the difference.
FWIW, my pastor has
never to my knowledge preached a sermon on the sin of homosexuality, although he has touched on it occasionally like all sins that we need to turn from- no more, no less. We have had a pastor visit who is involved in a ministry to help homosexuals who want to leave the lifestyle- a ministry he founded after he, himself, repented of his former life. It is a ministry based in love & forgiveness- not in hellfire & damnation as you seem to think all Christians preach.
Conversely, my pastor
has taught on several occasions on the sin of living together & called for couples to stop living together & honor God's Word by getting married. His emphasis is always on the responsibility that the man has to respect, love & cherish the woman by honoring her & God with a covenant relationship.
Sas, while it is evident that you were treated harshly by people under the guise of religion in your childhood, I would ask you to consider the
possibility that those people would have been just as harsh & condemning even without religion. I was raised by parents like that too & it left its scars. The irony? They were avowed agnostics, if not atheists....I finally found it in my heart to forgive them through knowing Jesus but I still have to struggle against the attitudes that they taught me.
I would challenge you to take a bit of time & listen to any of the 1600+ Bible studies that are archived on
this site. You might just be surprised with what you hear. Lest you think that I am biased, I can, & will , provide you with other websites. The only common element is that they are all Bible teaching churches. Just PM me if you are interested.
Now, I really am done with responding to this thread. We are all having difficulty communicating with clarity &, apparently, we are all feeling as if the insults are coming from both sides. I do not see the purpose in continuing to participate under those circumstances.
Y'all have a wonderful night (or day)!