What the discussions here seem to have centered around is the fact that many of the religious interfere in everyone's lives by trying to stop certain scientific work,
I don't try to stop it but I don't want the federal government of the US to fund it with my tax money.
pushing for abstinence only sex education, protesting against equal treatment for homosexuals or the reproductive rights of woman
And we shouldn't have a say in what our children are taught in school?
Aside from any ethical question involved in a "womans reproductive rights" is, yet again, the issue of where my tax money goes.
(Mike, a fetus is not defined as a human legally and therefore its destruction is not murder),
I understand that abortion isn't legally defined as murder...though I believe that it is. Interestingly, in some states in the US, the murder of a pregnant woman can be prosecuted as a double murder. Apparently, it's only NOT murder if the mother does it.
stopping schools from teaching evolution or trying to get ID/creationism taught in a *science* class and many many more things that are directly interfering in the rights of others to live according to their beliefs.
To my knowlege, the ID crowd isn't trying to prevent evolution from being taught. They want ID introduced as an alternative theory. Personally, I agree that it doesn't fit the definition of a scientific theory.
Anyway, in regards to rights, is the fact that in this country we all have the right to ask, argue or lobby for what we think is best. To deny someone that is absolutely an interference with their right to participate in our political process.
LOL, that's how our revolutionary war got started.
I know of no atheists that lobby for Christians to be forced to have abortions, have homosexual relationships, have sex before marriage, research stem cells, learn about evolution, not believe in God and so on. Christians do not have to have abortions, gay sex, ever think about research
All those things effect us in one way or another and we need look no further than how it effects the use of our taxes.
that does not agree with their beliefs and they can home school their kids and never even have to mention evolution but they expect the opposite from the secular world. See the difference?
Well you can home school your children in a state where it is legal (California is making it pretty tough) if you're able to stay home and do it. You can also send your children to the private school of your choice. The problem is that we must pay for the government schools whether we use them or not. Do you see the difference?
I am in no way enforcing my beliefs onto Christians so why are they doing it to me huh?
Because we don't want the government school giving out condoms or birth control pills to our children. We don't want legislation that allows our under-aged daughters to have access to abortions without our consent. We don't want the government school teaching our children that a gay mayrriage is the same as any other marriage. We don't want our taxes to fun abortion clinics and so on and so on.
I guess my position is about the same as yours. Live how you want but don't impose it on me, my children or my grandchildren.