Creation vs. Evolution

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Mike, so what you are saying, you would have to create an evolutionist? :D

btw: congratulations Mike on your pics/article in Scuba Diving June 2008 Issue!
thanks David...

but now you just made Nut into a god.... and he doesn't even support a good hockey team!
Wait a minute....stop believing in God and creation or you'll be a Chinese's housekeeper? How long's it been since you went diving Lamont? You need a break.

If you believe that "god and creation" is an exclusive-or with "evolution" then (and only then), yes, you are correct. If you don't deny evolution and can still do the science while believing in "god and creation" then you won't wind up working for the Chinese.

Ignorance of science, genetics and evolution isn't going to help us compete in the 21st century. We already have a big enough problem with producing people with a basic scientific background in math, physics and chemistry -- believing that genetics and evolution are wrong as a core value of our culture isn't going to help us at all.
In fact Einstein I believe stated it rather succinctly....something like...

"Energy can neither be created, nor destroyed."

That's the law of conservation of energy. You're missing the second part -

"energy can not be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another"

Biological entities are very good at converting energy from one form to another - light + CO2 and H2O into sugars, sugars into ATP, ATP + stuff to make everything else, food into ATP, etc, etc, etc.

And Life is most certainly Energy, so it bears thinking about.

Everything in the universe is energy; as mass is a form of energy. That's what the whole E=mc2 things about. But the energy (mass) we consist of, and the energy we use, it not special; its the same mass/energy that makes up the rest of the universe.

Everything in the universe is energy; as mass is a form of energy. That's what the whole E=mc2 things about. But the energy (mass) we consist of, and the energy we use, it not special; its the same mass/energy that makes up the rest of the universe.


While I completely respect your most erudite posts, in this case I think you may well be so intently examining the tree that you're missing where it is.

It is exactly the point that everything that exists is energy in one form or another, It is exactly the point that everything is inter-related, and within a dance of change.

If you don't think that that's special I guess it's all in how we look at things. ;)
the only thing i find sad is the fact that atheist libs like yourself think that because someone doesn't see thinks your way there lazy or stupid or mindless zombies that worship at an alter you really need examine your belief system

untill you have the answer i go with a higher power it has nothing to do with lazy its called faith

Why are the religious always such pricks? No one was calling you any names, then you have to start attacking people.

First, I know that first comment wasn't directed at me, but I'll have you know that I'm neither an atheist nor a liberal. But go ahead and label, that's always fun.

Second, yes, I know what faith is, I was raised Catholic, and went to Catholic schools my entire life. Trust me, I know the definition of faith.

I also learned from some very smart teachers that a person can be a person of faith and a person of science at the same time. You just have to be able to seperate the two and have the ability to realize the Bible, despite what some will tell you, is not a literal book and at the time, religion was used as a way to explain those natural occurances that people were unable, or unwilling to understand.

Of course we now know for a fact that many of the Biblical explanations for natural events are incorrect. So why do some continue to insist that they'll just go with "God dun it" until something better comes along? That's not faith, that sounds like looking to hitch a ride on a bandwagon to me.

So, enough with assuming that everyone who doesn't believe that God did everything we can't perfectly explain is some godless heathen.
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