Creation vs. Evolution

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I guess I am a racist. I don't think one race is inherently *better*...but I do beleive in differences in brain function in certain areas, etc.

Certain races have evolved various physical traits, based on their environment, etc. The brain is just an organ.

This is really just the Pitt Bull debate, if you ask me. People afraid to be scientific about racial differences are insecure. Yes, I am a racist in the purist sense. That does not mean I would not marry another race. It means that I think a Chinese brain might have strengths that mine does not have, and the reverse. In General, of course. And I do believe in evolution AND God.

Certain races are physically superior in certain areas and have evolved certain genetic weaknesses like Tay Sachs, etc.
at the beginning it had to be god there is no other explanation everything after that is up for debate
Sorry, but I find that an intellectually lazy and a rather uniformed and unimaginative outlook.
I visited American Museum of Natural History in New York and I am very impressed by the number of prehistoric skeletons, I believe in evolution.
Certain races are physically superior in certain areas and have evolved certain genetic weaknesses like Tay Sachs, etc.

I had to bite on this one....Tay Sachs is specific to Ashkenazi Jews, or Jews of Eastern European descent....Judaism is a religion, Eastern European Jews are an ethnic group, not a race. One race exists on this planet; Homo Sapiens Sapiens.....Tay Sachs, Canavan, Niemann-Pick, Gaucher, Familial Dysautonomia, Bloom Syndrome, Fanconi anemia, Cystic Fibrosis and Mucolipidosis IV are all genetic disorders that occur more frequently in this population. The basis for these disorders is that the coding evolved as a response to situations which no longer occur; much as allergies are a response to the body's reaction to parasite infestation. The explanation that allergists give is that the body has evolved to defend itself against worm incursion, so foreign proteins set off the body's "worm alert".
It seems that sickle cell evolved as a defense against malaria
Sorry, but I find that an intellectually lazy and a rather uniformed and unimaginative outlook.

look slick you have you opinion and you know what they say about those there like a** holes everyone has one just some stink more than others:mooner:

if you bother to do any real research you will find that up till now no one and i mean no one can explain how it all started what went bang and were did that come from when you can answer that call me until then see ya you unimaginative a**:no
Do you not see how this is just intellectually lazy? What kind of world would we live in if every time we faced a difficult question we, rather than searching for the answer, just threw up are hands and declared that God dun did it?

There are plenty of perfectly valid ideas of how this entire ball we call our universe got rolling that don't involve supernatural powers.

untill you have the answer i go with a higher power it has nothing to do with lazy its called faith
For many that's true. It's very sad really......

the only thing i find sad is the fact that atheist libs like yourself think that because someone doesn't see thinks your way there lazy or stupid or mindless zombies that worship at an alter you really need examine your belief system
If it's really faith, why start at the beginning? Why didn't God create the earth 10 minutes in the future from now, and only make it seem like things have been around for 8000 to a few billion years? Seems to me like talk about a cosmic watchmaker setting things in motion is really just hedging faith with observable scientific evidence.
look slick you have you opinion and you know what they say about those there like a** holes everyone has one just some stink more than others:mooner:

if you bother to do any real research you will find that up till now no one and i mean no one can explain how it all started what went bang and were did that come from when you can answer that call me until then see ya you unimaginative a**:no
Everyone is entitled to an opinion. The value of their opinion, howsoever, is neither equal nor guaranteed. It is directly coupled to their knowledge of the subject at hand. I have never said that anyone is not entitled to an opinion, but I reserve the right to cast reasonable doubt on the value of some opinions when there is a clear an pressing need to do so. This happens to be one of those times, having to fall back on a bizarre and discredited middle eastern mythology and seeing that as a plus by calling it "faith," casts reasonable doubt on the value of your opinions. Penny for your thoughts? But that'd be overpriced.

If you think that they all stink, that's your opinion, you are entitled to it, I will take it under advisement, and consider the source, and the atrocious grammar.
the only thing i find sad is the fact that atheist libs like yourself think that because someone doesn't see thinks your way there lazy or stupid or mindless zombies that worship at an alter you really need examine your belief system
I didn't use any of those descriptions, or resort to name calling.

I also don't believe that the existence of some kind of force within which all life is contained in any way precludes science or evolution. In fact Einstein I believe stated it rather succinctly....something like...

"Energy can neither be created, nor destroyed."

And Life is most certainly Energy, so it bears thinking about.

On the other hand, I'm not really a fan of old fairy stories written several thousand years ago, presumably for people who still more or less lived in caves, or had just about learned to build their own shelter. ;)
I think we've come a bit further than that, and yes, I find it sad when I see what appear to be attempts to take us right back there!
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