Creation vs. Evolution

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I have to agree Thal. Non-thinking drones opt to follow the easiest route with superlative tunnel vision.
if you bother to do any real research you will find that up till now no one and i mean no one can explain how it all started what went bang and were did that come from when you can answer that call me until then see ya you unimaginative a**:no

The postulate that every effect has a cause has only been arrived at a posteriori and therefore its very basis can be questioned. There is also no understanding in what you believe about why a first cause must necessarily be created or what it even means to have a first cause other than by circular logic. This argument also fails to disprove that there could be an infinite chain of causality and no prime mover that kicked it all off. It also fails to take into account possible physical realities where the universe is infinite or cyclical. The first cause argument also fails to call into existence a provident god. The only necessary property of god is that it be the first cause.

Personally, I tend to think that the first cause was the necessity of having something rather than nothing in order to have consciousness to observe that something. You could probably map a Deists understanding of god onto what I consider to be the web of consciousness that we're all ultimately made of. However, I avoid the use of the term God, because I believe its all just us. There's nothing else out there and we need to make the best of it here, with each other. In my view we are the first cause in that we needed to have a universe in order for our consciousness to exist.
go ahead and keep believing that evolution is just a myth...

pretty soon we'll be stowing away in containerships to china in the hopes we can get a job cleaning their houses over there, while they do all the groundbreaking research in genetics...

Wait a minute....stop believing in God and creation or you'll be a Chinese's housekeeper? How long's it been since you went diving Lamont? You need a break.
Wait a minute....stop believing in God and creation or you'll be a Chinese's housekeeper?
I don't think that's what he was saying.

As I read it, I believe the suggestion was more that if the West throws away it's fundamental understanding and grasp of science and human progress.....then other countries, like China, will pull ahead. In such a competitive world as today if you give someone else that advantage you'll probably end up having to work for them....;)

but what do I know......:D
I don't think that's what he was saying.

As I read it, I believe the suggestion was more that if the West throws away it's fundamental understanding and grasp of science and human progress.....then other countries, like China, will pull ahead. In such a competitive world as today if you give someone else that advantage you'll probably end up having to work for them....;)

but what do I know......:D

Hi Kim. I see no difference in the context of your statement. You just worded it differently.
What happens if you evolve into a creationist?
actually... you would have to go the other way for it to truly be considered evolution.. ;)
Hi Kim. I see no difference in the context of your statement. You just worded it differently.
Well I suppose it would depend on what one perceives as "God" and "creation". To some who believe in both they are entirely not exclusive of evolution, or science. To others they absolutely are.

In other words it's not necessarily the belief in God or creation that might cause one to end up working for the Chinese - it might depend on exactly what you mean by that. ;)
Mike, so what you are saying, you would have to create an evolutionist? :D

btw: congratulations Mike on your pics/article in Scuba Diving June 2008 Issue!
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