What experiments has science performed where they created something from nothing?
We'll, off the top of my head:
1) Abiotic synthesis of organic molecules from non-organic progenitors.
2) Abiotic polymerization of he molecules from #1
3) Generation of self-replicating molecules which could also arise via the abiotic processes in steps 1&2
4) Generation of self-replicating molecular systems, with the replicating product being strictly via naturally occurring abiotic polymerization (step 2).
5) Mathematical/computational modeling of events like hypercycles, probionts, etc, to investigate potential ways in which these proto-life forms could have formed & functioned.
With the exception of #2&5, all of those experiments were conducted pre-1988.
What experiments has science performed where they've created life from lifelessness?
And this has what to do with evolution? We've pointed this out to you several times already in this thread that evolution deal
strictly and exclusively with how LIFE changes. How life came about is a completely separate area of science called abiogensis. Whether it was created through abiotic chemistry, in 6 days by god, delivered here by aliens, or was the product of the FSM's noodly appendage doesn't matter - evolution deals with,
and only with, what happens once that life exists.
As for creating life from nothing, several groups are working towards synthetic organisms. They're not here yet, but they are on their way. It has the potential to be really big business.
What experiments has science performed where they turned "life form x" into "life form z"; such as dinosaurs became birds.
Thousands. Lab-induced evolution, upto the level of speciation, is old news. The first deliberate attempt was in the late 50's, and was successful (yeast in high acid environment). In fact, the first scientifically observed speciation even was arguably laboratory-generated, as the new species arose in a botanist's breeding center. Oh, and that was in 1905. You're 102 years out of date and counting...
What direct observation of any of the above can science claim?
Considering we see evolution every day of the week, we can say with absolute certainty that it occurs. I've seen it happen in patients I work with, and I have several friends at work who's jobs are to either drive, or monitor, evolution of microbes. We even use evolution commercially - to generate vaccines, develop medical treatments, and to derive organisms with traits we want.
In contrast, what does creationism "theory" provide? Answer is simple - nothing. Creationist/ID theories have not in the >150 years they've existed as pseudo-scientific theories lead to a single scientific discovery, medical treatment, or for that matter, a testable hypothesis. And if anything speaks towards the reality of a scientific theory is the ability to apply that theory to the real world, and derive useful and profitable products from it.