Creation vs. Evolution

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What! No bocks? Off with his head!

There are different theories on bocks. The one I accept (because I have friends there who would be furious if I were to dispute this) is that Einbeck invented the bock style in order to extend the range of commerce--higher alcohol contents allowed them to carry it farther without spoiling. In other words, it is possible that bock was not in the original heavenly plan.
For me bocks from Rogue have the best flavor ballance. Although there are some might good porters, and there's always oatmeal stouts and Brooklyn Chocolate Stout (my favorite).
For me bocks are just the best flavor ballance.

Einbecker Urbock is one of the greatest beers in creation.
Einbecker Urbock is one of the greatest beers in creation.
The next time I'm down at the Talleyho Tavern I'll have order one up.<G>
it is possible that bock was not in the original heavenly plan.
Hush your mouth.
Hush your mouth.

I believe this is a case where God helps he who helps himself.
THe Gospel of Beer

Lo, Ninkasi, the Goddes of Brewing, did teach the Sumerians how to brew,
Six thousand years ago: and they did make the Beer, and their bellies grew

The unbelievers say, "Nay, there is no Ninkasi, it was mere chance
that led to accidental fermentation at a wedding dance."

Believe them not. Ninkasis did reveal the sacred recipe:
barley, bread soaked into a mash, and then you drink it and go "Wee"

Then the Babylonians, fussy little buggers, had their turn:
the Summerians had one Beer, the Babylonians had two times ten.

Herein lie the perdition of the flock: not one Beer any longer, but two score,
drank through a straw to prevent the bitter mash making your tongue sore.

The Egyptians got in on the act as well, and added dates
(the kind you eat, not the kind in which you try out mates).

Enter the Romans. They hated Beer. They thought it a disgrace.
They drank wine (the pansies), and left Beer to another race --

the Germans (Deutschland, Deutschalnad Uber Alles! er... never mind) --
alas, their beer had no foam, and it was cloudy and it could make you blind.

This is how Europe learned the golden Beer to brew --
and getting drunk is now up to me and you.
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