Creation vs. Evolution

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Rick Murchison:
I was run over by a drunk back in '68 and killed. Had the out-of-body experience and all that; had a glimpse of the "Grand Plan." I'm satisfied of the reality of the experience and I'm satisfied there's guidance afoot.

Rick, not to disrespect your experience, which I believe happened to you, but
this type of experience happens to many people and can be explained without recourse to the supernatural.

of course, explaining it with recourse to the supernatural is your right; i am just saying there are alternative explanations. the human mind and perception are funny things.
Funny how everyone seems to dance around the subject of the FIRST life form on the planet. The pure evolutionists (atheists) would say it was a single-cell organism that spawned all life of every form.

Fine. We'll work with that model.

Explain how that happened.

Using only 'science', of course. ;-)
The pure evolutionists (atheists) would say it was a single-cell organism that spawned all life of every form.

correct. all life on Earth (all life on Earth) stems from a single organism that managed to reproduce itself.

it's a complex question, so i can't give you an answer ... but try this article:

btw, the issue for me is not how life originated on Earth. that's relatively easy.
the problem is how did the universe come to be. what was there before the Big Bang?

after that, it's all pretty easy application of known scientific principles

pre-Big Bang, we're all in the dark. i don't think we'll ever know.
Hmmm interesting question. Lets start with what we have around now.. we have single cell bacteria and viruses. Now, a virus is not really a living organism. It is just genetic material (DNA or RNA) surrounded by a shell of protein. On its own it cannot multiply or reproduce. So in a chemical soup, it is quite possible for it to exist, created from chemical reactions. During the same chemical reactions, these genetic material could have combined forming a chromosome. This is the basic building block of life. Of course, this is all rubbish from my brain. These guys have a much better theory in mind...
it's a complex question, so i can't give you an answer

the issue for me is not how life originated on Earth. that's relatively easy.

Now THERE is a contradiction if I ever heard one. :wink:
nope, not at all

think on it and you'll see why

it's a complex question for me to explain, since i am not an expert in the field. but compared with the other question (pre-Big Bang issues), it's a piece of cake

it's all ... what's the word.... relative?

nope, not at all

think on it and you'll see why

it's a complex question for me to explain, since i am not an expert in the field. but compared with the other question (pre-Big Bang issues), it's a piece of cake

it's all ... what's the word.... relative?


Sorry to use you personally as an example... but evolutionists love to use science as the explanation for all life.... until you push them back in time to the FIRST life... then they all get pretty sketchy and science goes down the proverbial drain. They give you variations of the 'mixing of the primordial stew for billions of years' responses... which would well qualify as a witch-doctor's premise.... but certainly not a scientist's.
ah ... did you even read the articles we provided?

i'm not selling you anything. if it makes sense to you, great. if not, great too

it's your call to make as to what you choose to believe
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