Creation vs. Evolution

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lol no ... just read what it says and don't discount it before reading it
Actually... I did... and numerous other atheist theories. If you knew me you'd know I've been through this debate many, many times. I don't believe I've changed any minds, however. Have you?

I'll finish with this... the policy of setting up a "No-God System" is avenged by its success.

I was run over by a drunk back in '68 and killed. Had the out-of-body experience and all that; had a glimpse of the "Grand Plan." I'm satisfied of the reality of the experience and I'm satisfied there's guidance afoot.

I dropped some acid in '78 and had long conversations with numerous deities. A lot cheaper than getting run over.

Are we still on about all this?
The interesting fact about the origin of life on earth is that it happened so quickly: the earth is a bit over 5 billion years old, and the first evidence of life is 4.5 billion years old (simple single cell organisms in some of the oldest rocks on earth). Then for 3.5 billion years not much changed as the simple single-cell organisms built up oxygen in the atmosphere.

Multicellular organisms (more than one cell) only appear around 500-600 million years ago: after that point there is an explosion in the number and styles of organisms as nature tried out what organisms work the best.

To answer how did life start you have to define what life is. The basic definition is it is where a chemical object extracts energy from the environment to repair and replicate itself.

The amino acids/simple proteins that are the basis of life are common chemicals in nature - you can find them in meteorites. Simple proteins can use heat or sunlight to form more complex protein chains. You can do this in the lab. Some of these chains can in the presence of a charged surface go on to form an identical chain: the origin of the DNA replication (clay was suggested in one paper recently as a surface that the first protein chains replicated on - so yes, maybe we did sort of come from clay).

Over time more advanced chemical processes became involved such as photosynthesis and the chemicals became enclosed within a simple membrane - forming a cell. These early cells were nothing like the complex single cell organisms you find today – they lack a nucleus and are just good at turning heat/light into energy. You still find them around today in specialised environments such as hot springs (hey biologists – feel free to wade in here).

So the question isn't really how did simple life originate – that started almost the moment the surface of the planet was cool enough to host it, but what triggered more complex life forms to form relatively recently. Intelligent life, put in terms of the age of the planet and the universe, is a rare thing indeed.


it's all good

but i must say, setting up a God system is also avenged by its success... just look at history

any system can be manipulated and abused. that's why the less absolute power those at the top have, the better. with God systems, this power tends to be absolute, which, to me, it's not a good thing

(see Spanish Inquisition, Salem Witch Trials, Persecution of Christians, etc.)
Ahhh Rick - great mental picture but don't end the story at the point where it starts to get interesting...
Uh, this is a family friendly board...
correct. all life on Earth (all life on Earth) stems from a single organism that managed to reproduce itself.
Well now that's just silly. If it's so easy to get spontaneous replication, I'm sure the conditions must have been right in many places over a long, long time... certainly if it's just a chaos event we're talking about here there were many successful replications and multiple starting points - perhaps separated by eons.
nope... it appears it only happened once

at least that's the latest i've read

of course, once it happens, the conditions would be changed by the new life forms, thus precluding the same thing from happening again, either by consuming necessary resources or predation. again, i am an amateur, so please consult the pros

all life on Earth traces back to one organism duplicating itself and then doing it over and over again, to the best of our knowledge

of course, this could change. it still doesn't change the basic mechanism
all life on Earth traces back to one organism
Organism??? How many organs do you reckon it had? How'd that happen? Statistically less probable than there are particles in the universe, I'm assured by folks who do that sort of math... Nope, someone stuck 'em together just right, without a doubt. I'll bet He did it on more than earth, too...
Rick, you need to take that up with the Nobel prize winners that worked on this stuff a few generations back

but assuming you are serious (which i belive you are not), this organism was probalby a single-cell lump of RNA (or perhaps DNA) that was able to split itself into itself and a copy of itself, and then kept doing it
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