Welcome to the board. I was about your age when I first got certfied. ('It was many moons ago in '79) My oldest son (11) is chompin on bit to get his cert. He has only done Scuba Rangers and Sassy in Bonaire. It's different diving here locally than in warm vacation dive sites. Hope he stays with it after his first New Engalnd dive after his OW cert.
The wierdest thing I saw was today. I saw a seal while diving Folly Cove today. Sort of freaked me out as didn't expect it. My bubbles must have spooked it away. As I surfaced, there were some people that were topside looking at it as well so I know I wasn't hallucinating. The only seal encounters I've ever had were diving off Isle of shoals. There is a Dive boat operator (Captain Rob's out of Rye NH) that does Seal charters. I highly recommend it.
This wasn't as good as encounter several others had with baby Beluga whale ("Poco" that others came across this year. There are several postings on board so if you search, can see picture of it.
Unfortunately, it died. Very sad.
The only other wierd thing is that I managed to collect a ton of golf balls. You would be amazed how many people drive golf balls into ocean. (I have a 5 gallon pail full. I would hate to surface and be wacked by a ball.