Crazy - 1080p cam + 180' housing for $270?

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Interesting. When I asked a while back they said they were "thinking" about it. Maybe this is progress. :)

I tested a friend's HD GoPro set at 720 resolution and the head strap.
For $299 is good stuff. We went down to 54 meters and the housing did not leak.
The camera was tested by my friend to 56 meters for a few dive and so far so good.
The 720p is at 60 frame per sec and it will make a nice slow motion if fast action need to be slowed down.

Have not tested the 1080 resolution setting though.
Mine is on order.

If you are deep ( very dark ) and suddenly look to water surface ( very bright ), the HD did developed sort of red bloom from over exposure. I think the exposure system got sort of confused. However the low light for such a small lens is good and the gain setting is probably high.

This camera is more for simple documentary of a personal dive or when being a back up for some other smaller angle cameras. Sure a good unit to have for shark feeding capture.

Overall its a great wearable camera that you can't feel wearing one because its on your head. This is far superior in image and low light than my Liquid Image rated 35 meters 720 resolution which I paid like US$240 or so. Liquid Image mask does not fit everyone and mask is a very personal thing to many.

The good thing about this camera since it is on your head, you capture what your eyes see as long as it is 1.5 meters or further from you. Your hands will be free to do what you want like a camera-less diver. However, do pan slowly when wearing this camera. Our eyes can pan fast but when we watch such fast pan on TV or laptop it looks bad, as with any camera.

I have some good news for the thread! I was looking around for an update on this issue today, and I found an unofficial GoPro forum. There is a long thread in that forum discussing the issue, and in there I learned that this company is coming out with a fix, hopefully this month.

GoPro HD Hero SPECS PAGE - EyeOfMine Multimedia

There are no direct links in the thread as the forum owner doesn't want to give out any free advertising, but just google Eye of Mine.

There is a video showing the results:

YouTube - GoPro Hero Underwater Focus FIXED

You can email the Eye of Mine owner ( to get on an "I'm interested" list, but I just did that and I'll post any updates that I get here. I have NO idea what the cost will be or what kind of solution this is. Hopefully we will all know soon.
I know what you mean, Gombessa. A diopter would be quick and cheaper. If there case is better suited for underwater use, then I'd be for getting one if it isn't expensive. I'm looking at total cost here, but it does look promising.

Thanks for the update, Matt.
Thanks for the update. I just asked to be put on an "I'm interested" list as well.

This is actually exciting now! The GoPro HD Hero sounded like a great solution for a hobbyist/enthusiast but the blurriness underwater completely put me off the idea of getting one.

However, if this fix is simple and doesn't add much to the overall cost, I may just ditch my Sony HC1 for underwater video and get the GoPro after all.

It would be great for saving weight on airplane luggage.
That's awesome news. Thanks for posting it up Matt!

I bought this camera right when it came out, loved the field of view and the size but the blurriness underwater is sort of a deal breaker so I haven't been using it that much for diving.
Except that it is fixed, there has been no other info. Does anybody know more?
It can be some firmware fixing also not necessary physical changes.
It has to be a physical fix, the focus issue can't be fixed with software. It's either some kind of add-on lens or perhaps an entirely new housing. Hopefully, we will find out this month... and hopefully, it won't cost a bundle.
Small update: I noticed that the vendor was participating in YouTube comments. The product will only be rated for 100 ft depth. Too bad!

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