Cozumel Trip report May 7-14 2014 - Lots of photos

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Cozumel trip report May 2014

This trip was for a week from May 7 -14 and was a guys only trip. I met my friends from Ontario, Canada at the airport in Cozumel and who used Delta via Atlanta. I came down from Denver on American Airlines via Dallas. The trip down was uneventful.

We made it to the hotel and unpacked, had a few cold ones and prepared cameras. We stayed at Reef Regency/Sunscapes which was fairly uncrowded compared to February 2014.

Coming back I was hassled by a Customs guy in Dallas who wanted to know if I was a professional photographer (no), asked me for receipts for the camera (at home) and told me I needed to register the camera equipment. We talked for awhile. I told him I was an amateur and it was personal equipment. I can’t tell if he was bored or needed entertainment. Guess I’ll have to check into bringing receipts or registration. I wanted to tell him I did not have receipts for my underwear either but didn’t.

Our flight from Dallas to Denver diverted to Colorado Springs due to what the pilot called weather issues. Odd that the plane next to us on approach (parallel runways) landed and we went around and then diverted. While in Co Springs, the guy next to me who was a small plane pilot, pulled up the arrivals to DIA when we were in the Denver area and afterwards and it showed all kinds of planes landing. I don’t think we were on a training flight so I can’t explain it. The pilot did announce that someone in seat 24B was not turning off his electronic equipment so we couldn’t leave Co Springs until it was off.

The better stuff

We dove with Bottom Time Divers – Raul Platas – for the week. We had the three of us at the beginning of the week plus one person we met last year, Chris. We ended the week with a full boat.
The weather was hot with south winds so we had good weather all week. The winds did pick up enough that the more southern sites like Punta Sur were a bit choppy so we dove from the Palancars and north to Cedral pass and Cedral wall. We got a night dive in this trip to Cedral pass. It’s been awhile for a night dive due to weather and Op availability. We were not disappointed. I expected a lot of octopus but we only saw 2-3 small ones however we had lots of puffer fish, large Green Morays in the open, several pesky nurse sharks, a couple of turtles, slipper lobsters and lots of sleeping fish. We did get in a day dive at the end of Punta Sur and start of Colombia Deep one day. We mostly dove that one over the top of the pinnacles.
We did see a massive Loggerhead turtle going north in an open stretch of sand a good distance from our group. He was on some sort of mission.

We had good dive times this trip. The currents were very slow at the sites we dove. My shortest dive was 64 min and a couple of 85 min dives were a bonus. Average was 74 min. There were divers that had longer times but they are smurfs. Water temps at depth were consistently 82 degrees

Dive Paradise is the onsite operator for the hotel complex (Secrets/Sunscape) and we were told that they were charging $3 per person per day to use the northern concrete pier. We used the southern wood pier.






This Green Moray had wedged itself upside down in a crack and barely acknowledged me. Raul (who did not see it in situ) said it was pregnancy related.

One of the Green Morays on the night dive out hunting

Green Turtle


Some landscape shots



Longsnout seahorse


This nurse shark stuck around trying to drive itself under ledges looking for food. Every time it did this a fish was inconveniently between me and the shark so no good shots of that.

I have started paying attention to corkscrew anemones for these Pederson Cleaner Shrimp.


Spot the fish

Shortfin Pipefish

Spotted Drum


I can’t identify this one. It’s about one half to three quarters of an inch big. It moves around a lot but does not leave it’s “cove”. I thought it was a juvenile Angel or juvenile of a small oval fish but not of my texts show it.
Thanks to SB's Name that Critter and Knotical, the last photo of the blue/black/yellow fish is a Juvenile Blue Angelfish.
Thanks to SB's Name that Critter and Knotical, the last photo of the blue/black/yellow fish is a Juvenile Blue Angelfish.

it's a juvenile Queen Angel.

nice shots, thanks for sharing...
The second body bar is straight not curved as it would be in a Juvenile Queen Angel. They are very similar though. The tail is slightly different also but in this photo it can't be seen. So it should be a Juvenile Blue Angelfish. Same shot but zoomed in.

I don't recall seeing a blue angelfish but then I didn't make note of it. For some reason I think I have seen Blue Angelfish before in Cozumel but have no proof - only recollection. The ID is based solely on attributes. This one is exceptionally small - like 3/4 of an inch. ID reference material says 1-5 inches for both types. I cannot say that if the Juvenile grew that the bars would curve more meaning juvenile Queen. But this is what I have to work with. I have some other photos but since these fish won't cooperate by staying still, I may be able to look at the tail though out of focus.
Very nice set of photos. Looks like you were shooting RAW & converting.

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