Cozumel Trip Report Feb 2-12

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New York City
I know the last thing this board needs is another Coz trip report but I figured since I gain so much valuable info here that I would anyway in the hopes that maybe somone might garner some helpful info. I must say that I LOVE coz and had an amazing time. It was my first trip there and I really could not believe how amazing the diving was. I was able to do16 dives including: Palancar brick, delila, palancar horseshoe, del cedral (outside), san juan, barracuda,santa rosa wall, la francesa,c53 wreck,punta tunich,palancar gardens,yucab,bolones de chankanaab,paradise reef,punta sur, and paso del cedral. Honestly, I LOVED every single one of them. Just amazing sea life and healthy reefs. I was especially amazed at the health of the reefs considering how often they are dived. Saw all the usual critters, but the really cool thing for me was seeing 8 eagle rays over the vacation: most of them at san juan. Barracuda was certainly an experince for me (ripping current) tunich, punta sur,delila, and yucab were just amazing. I really can't articulate how much I enjoyed them. Sometimes, I really had to remind myself to check my computer during the dive because I was so engaged.

The dive operation we used was Sea Urchin. They were excellent and gave very personal attention. There was usually only 4 people on the boat, once just me and JD. The equipment went on the boat in the morning and that was the last fussing with it. Everything was done for you. They were very safety conscious and environmentally conscious. They also gave us a lift back to our apartment on virtually every diving day.

As good as the diving was, the food was equally amazing. I really could not believe it. Just about every place we went was amazing and we missed a lot of places (guess I'll have to go back). Most memorable I suppose was french quarter: just absolutely delicious food, but great food was had everywhere including la choza, girasole, la morena, del caribe something or other ( i forgot the name but it was a sea food restaurant). We also went to this AMAZING taco joint across the street form san francisco supermarket. I wish I could remember the name. Excellent bean soup. Oh i forgot la mission too. Well you all know the routine, I'm a neophyte. The one place I really didn't care for was a place that is universally loved on this board so I was suprised: Poncho's Backyard. I really thought it was just dumbed down mexican food and was very bland. Maybe I ordered the wrong dish, I had the chicken fajhitas (spelling?). All in all Amazing food and I would never go to an all inclusive in cozumel with this caliber food around.

One other thing might be worth mentioning. I wasn't aware of those "nortes." We were lucky and were able to dive 8 of 9 days, but we did miss a day. I didn't know that it is possible to have some really bad luck regarding these cold fronts. I was told that the month of Jan had one after another. i think, because of this, my next trip to coz will probably be in march or april. Just the risk of not being able to dive every day down there is enough for me to go later in the year, although maybe then I wouldn't have seen the eagle rays.

Anyway, I LOVED Cozumel and to tell you the truth, I can't stop thinking about it. I think of Coz all day now. I just want to go back and dive the beautiful waters, eat the great food, and be around all the really beautifully spirited locals. If anyone has any questions feel free to pm me and I will be glad to try and answer them.
Anyway, I LOVED Cozumel and to tell you the truth, I can't stop thinking about it. I think of Coz all day now. I just want to go back and dive the beautiful waters, eat the great food, and be around all the really beautifully spirited locals. If anyone has any questions feel free to pm me and I will be glad to try and answer them.

Uh oh. Um, hi, nikyyo. My name is Gordon, and I'm a Cozumelaholic. Don't worry, you'll get through this. We have a large friendly support group to help you with your addiction. We have this 12 step program...12 step program...12 steps... 12... I'm 12 weeks out from a 12 day stay on Cozumel, and I can't stop thinking about it, and I can taste the fish in mustard sauce at La Choza right now, and, and, and, when I close my eyes all I can see is blue blue blue, and the turtles, the turtles! GAAHHHHhhh....

(Gordon's off the wagon again...)
quite jealous myself. 12 weeks out myself. Can't wait.

A few symptoms of being a Cozumelaholic:

1. You have started planning your next trip prior to leaving the one you are on.

2. You read everything about CZM you can.

3. You try to get others to acquire your condition in order to have someone else to do it with. Failing that you go to CZM alone.

4. When you have not to CZM in a while you begin to get a little irritable (you may see this on this board occasionally, but remember it is a symptom of a disease).
5. There are others, but I have to close in order to check the latest Funjet prices to CZM.

A few symptoms of being a Cozumelaholic:


OMG now I feel so much better and yet somehow worse. Just got back from my first Coz fix on Sunday, and, well, first of all that's why I'm here. The painful withdrawals are what led me to the web (when I should be doing something around here, I forget what) where I found this fine resource SB. Didn't realize it was a support group! But thank Neptune there are others like me out there.

Since returning:

  • I've taken to speaking to my coworkers, friends and especially waiters in espanol, even at the thai place.

  • Bought a cd of tropical bird sounds and trying to find one of underwater burbling and crunching.

  • Wearing a bikini under my clothes at work (don't tell)

  • Where's my moped??

  • I keep the humidifier running so much that even the curtains are starting to get that musty Mexico stank. Ahhhh... :approve_2

  • Craving huevos, arroz y mariscos todos los dias!

  • Still waking up every morning at 6am ready to get to the boat

  • What's that cold *%$^#@$ white stuff falling from the sky?

  • Trying to figure out how to get another week off to go back for spring break.

So it's good to know that I'm not alone. What makes me feel bad is that I realize it's a wide-spread disease without a cure. And that, well, hehe, I thought this incredible experience would be something new and interesting to share, haha :newbie: !!

Welcome Coppermaus,

mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Your case sounds intractable, and after only one exposure. I embrace my addiction and will get my fix in 15 days. If only my hands would stop trembling...

My Cozumelaholic symptoms include:

1) Whenever I get back from a trip to Cozumel, my cow-orkers all say, "Welcome back to the real world." I smile at them condescendingly and reply, "You actually think that THIS is the real world?"

2) I start packing for Cozumel when I get my plane tix. Look! I'm packing now for my trip in May!

3) I once spent an extra $225 to switch my flight home from Cozumel to the later flight the same day.

4) I own more Cozumel shirts (the rough cotton kind) than pairs of pants of all kinds.

5) I get an auto repair bill and think of it in terms of how many 2 tank dives it is.

6) I once ran away to Cozumel when my wife and kid were off visiting my wife's parents.

7) I have at least one map of Cozumel in every room in my house. Yes, the bathroom, too.

8) I check the weather on Cozumel more often than I check the status of my 401(k). Far more often.
Actually, the truth is i already suffer from most of the symptoms listed in these posts: and this is after one trip. OK, when's the next support group?
Omigosh ggunn, I really do have a map of Cozumel in my bathroom, too! Is that the first sign? Or was it when I wistfully tried to think of how to best sell a vital organ for the $ to go back and live there...
OK COZAHOLICS, I need some questions answered for my first time...Pretty Please? I can get a week at the Plaza Los Glorias Resort for week of Feb. 26, 2005-I know but its the earliest we can get away, we have Barbados in Oct. 2004. What can we expect in the way of Water Temps during that time and has anyone stayed at this resort that can give me honest review of it. I don't need fancy but do need clean. Also what about weather in February-is it warm and sunny so we could get some beach time between dives? Is there any beach diving on Coz? Is there good diving for beginners (one of our party is newly certified)? And one last question for this time...I have never done a drift dive, is this a good place for us to learn?


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