hogpark7430:Corals are fragile.
Kicking, touching, dragging your gear causes damage, buoyancy control is your key to healthy coral.
Photographers in particular, take pictures without causing damage.
Marine organisms are protected by law.
Fishing, feeding the fauna and taking souvenirs is against the law. Refrain from extracting or annoying the marine flora and fauna.
Help us prevent pollution.
Report fuel, oil, sewage and garbage spills to the National Park office.
Pressure your dive operator to instruct novice divers and divers without adequate buoyancy control, and to refuse service to destructive divers.
If you use gloves, do not grab the corals.
If you carry a knife, keep it in the sheath.
Use biodegradable sunblock products.
Those are not the marine park regulations. Here are the regulations word for word from the Marine Park Brochure that all dive ops have and some may even have them posted in the shop or boat.
*To stand on, or take hold of the coral reefs
*To fish for, to collect, to disturb or to keep any marine life organism found in the
Park (fishes, corals, shells, starfish, etc.)
*To carry spears, hooks, harpoons or explosives
*To carry gloves or knives (Dive Masters and Instructors may register these items for use with the Marine Park).
*To disturb or to remove fauna and flora from their refuge.
*To feed any fish or animals in the Marine Park
*To dispose of any kind of solid waste in the ocean.
*To dump fuel, grease, oil, or any other liquid substances into the ocean
*To use sun block or suntan oils which are not biodegradable.
Your dive guide is authorized to enforce these rules, and will, if necessary, interrupt, restrict or terminate a dive if tourists in your group are seen to disobey.
Your courtesy in carefully following these rules ensures that our precious reefs, living organisms in their own right, will enjoy long and healthy lives. For your support and help, the people of Cozumel thank you.
There is no reason for knives or gloves here as Mark said. We will allow gloves on the wreck only for the ascent line if we are using it due to the current, but that is the only exception.