Cozumel Dive Report Dec 29, 2001

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Cozumel, Mx
Two awesome dives today! It was a beautiful perfect sunny cozumel day! Visibility wasn´t great, but no was still two amazing dives.

First dive: Palancar Gardens Max Depth 80ft Time 45min.

As the boat reached the dive site, and we geared up, we spotted a huge turtle "snorkeling". It looked up and seemed to crane its neck at us and then looked back down and continued to snorkel at the surface! LOL!

We dropped into the shallow sandy side and once everyone reached the bottom, we swam over towards the divemaster´s "secret coral head location". We then proceeded to head towards a swimthrough on the wall. There were hundreds and thousands of sardines hovering around the entrance of the swim through! WOW, as we swam into the "cave" the river of sardines parted for us and I could see the silvery "bubbles" of the divers goign onto the coral above... then the silvery glint of the bijillions of sardines darting all around us. I looked around and there were the bigger fish that were hovering around having their "munchies". It was a truely magical swimthrough!

The rest of the dive, we saw huge groupers, lobsters and just enjoyed the breathtaking coral formations towering above us. The dive ended all to soon and we had to surface...

2nd Dive: Dalila Max depth 50 feet Time 50 min.
As we got to the bottom, we spotted a turtle, swimming along lazily. Next came all the cute little toadfish hiding in every crevice. What is this? HMmm.. it looks like an moray eel tail, but BUT NOOOO, it has these frilly yellow trim fins lining the tail... Could it be??? Could it really be???? A SPLENDID TOADFISH TAIL????? How incredibly exciting! Probably a first and a last for me... a "once in a lifetime". I must be blessed! To actually see a toadfish tail!!! Well... that was brief, the little guy must have realized that someone was admiring his "back end" and quickly turned around to the standard toadfish position just staring out at me as only a toadfish can. Sigh, I´m satisfied. I´m a believer now, the silly looking splended toadfish of Cozumel actually do have tails!

We continued the dive and saw some beautiful golden moray eels, huge crabs just standing out in the open, flourescent blue gobies, little banded shrimp, huge green anenomes with their little see through purple spotted symbiotic crabs hiding inside. We were about to end the dive when one diver turned around and came face to face with a turtle. How exciting! It was her last dive of her trip. What a way for her to end her diving vacation! I know she will be back to Cozumel again.

As for me? Well, I´ll be back out there soon enough!

Happy New Year to everyone!!!

You're killing me here. But, alas, I'll be there in 8 more weeks! I love Palancar Gardens. Great report. Thanks for sharing. Almost as good as being there. Well, maybe I shouldn't go that far. :wink:
Achu, you really enjoy torturing us, don't you? :bang:

When's your next report??? :approve:
You really have a way with words. Ever think of being a writer?
Thanks for the report. The trip reports really help with my long cold :cold: surface interval.
Sounds like an excellent experience! What dive operation did you dive with? I hope I get to see all the cool things you did when we are down there on the 11th. When I was in Belize last summer we saw alot of cool critters, but I didn't get to see any turtles. I sure hope we run across one in Cozumel. Can't wait to read your next report!
To be independantly wealthy and be able to jump up and go when ever.....

Second though.... may be I could get an assignment to Cozumel, come down and work and dive in my free time.

Yeah right,

Loved the report.....

This dive was with Michelle´s dive shop. The DM was Luis.

Zagnut, if you come here, stop by the hotel to say hi! I don´t know how long you are staying, but we have an open house/tea time on thurs, the 17th.

Do you have tea time every Thursday? Also, Michelle's Dive shop is the name of the shop? Is it downtown?
Since I'm, coming in a day before my group, I'm trying to work it out to either stay at your hotel, or at least come by. March 1st to March 9th. Thanks.
We will arrive on Friday, Jan 11, and we are leaving on Mon, Jan 14. We are staying at the Fiesta Americana. We will try to stop by to say hello if time permits. Where do you work, where is it located, and how would we find you if we stopped by? This will be our first time to dive Cozumel. We will probably just dive with the Dive House this trip seeing as how they're so close to our hotel. I can't wait! :) You can PM me with your info if you'd like.
We will be in Playa del Carmen Feb.18-25th, can you recommend how we could maybe get a dive to the Planacar Gardens? It sounded really great. My husband can't dive, recent heart attack with angioplasty. But his Dr. has cleared him for snorkel. I still plan to get some dives in while there. Any info you can share will be appreciated.

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