I agree completely with the idea that when you are a guest you abide by the host's rules, however dumb you may think the rules are, because you have the option to leave or not come in the first place. That said, the logic and sensibility behind the rules has a strong bearing on the degree of compliance. I'm not saying a host doesn't have the right to set arbitrary rules but if their goal is maximum compliance then maybe they should define rules in a way that result in maximum compliance. The problem with dumb useless rules is they reduce compliance with smart effective rules. If you see ten rules and three of them seem completely senseless, you might question the other seven.
As far as compliance goes, the locals on this board have been pretty consistent in describing locals as diligently wearing masks in the tourist areas but hardly at all away from tourist areas, so I wouldn't chalk up mask compliance in the tourist zone to a better respect for the rules or stronger concern for the virus.
As far as compliance goes, the locals on this board have been pretty consistent in describing locals as diligently wearing masks in the tourist areas but hardly at all away from tourist areas, so I wouldn't chalk up mask compliance in the tourist zone to a better respect for the rules or stronger concern for the virus.