Cozumel advice?

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That could very well be - I never used them until this year. The one divemaster that I liked went by Aristeo (hope that's right). He was very thorough on his predive, but not overly militant in the water. He kept a good eye on everybody, and would help look for critters under overhangs, along the sea floor, etc. When something unusual was found, he held position and motioned everybody over to have a look-see. The other guy just kind of drifted along, frog kicking, looking at his computer about every thirty seconds. My sons were in line behind him, with me next. I know for a fact we saw at least 10 times the animals that he did. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate his attentiveness to safety, but he needs to loosen up just a bit and enjoy the dive. I think he may have been new at divemastering (is that a word?), and was just super cautious.

Aristeo is a freelancer and does not work for Aldora full-time. He works for a variety of shops. Volrath is another instructor/divemaster that freelances and I've seen him on Aldora boats lately. He is very good, but also very strict and by the book re safety...maybe it was him???
Nope - wasn't Volrath. I'd prefer not name him publicly. One, out of respect, and two cuz I would surely butcher the spelling! It's not that he was a bad divemaster, he just would be a better fit for a different type of diver than what I would picture going to Coz - say cave diving! He would be a first choice in a highly technical situation such as that. And like I said, I think he might have been kinda new to leading a group, hence, the extra caution. Hopefully, he will come around.
Read through all the Cozumel posts. I think that you will find that people are incredibly happy with Blue XT Sea. I know that I am!!!!!
Where are you going to stay? That could have some bearing in whom you dive with....
PRESIDENTE INTER-CONTINENTAL HOTEL...has Liquid Blue and Scuba Du as operators...

Paul in VT
PRESIDENTE INTER-CONTINENTAL HOTEL...has Liquid Blue and Scuba Du as operators...

Paul in VT

The title of your post was "it depends where you stay". Not entirely. Most of the dive ops on the island will pick you up anywhere in the central and south hotel zones. Exceptions may be operators that are based far south (Sand Dollar?) who might not want to come all the way into town to get you, and if you are staying far south, some ops may not want to go all the way south after the second dive to drop you off. At the Presidente, one will have many options.
PRESIDENTE INTER-CONTINENTAL HOTEL...has Liquid Blue and Scuba Du as operators...

Paul in VT

Actually, Scuba-Du is the onsite operator, but any dive shop can pick up at the Presidente. Liquid Blue is an excellent opeation, but they are not onsite at the Presidente.
I got such great advice about my dive in GC that I now need the same about diving in Cozemel in October. Can anyone recommend any quality dive shops/spots. I will be doing a pm 2 tank dive. I understand that there is great drift dives in Cozumel. Is the current pretty strong all around the island, or are there places that are relatively calm. I'm open to a drift dive. Hopefully there will be no hurricaines. I've seen enough here in Florida the last year. Thanks in advance.
I live in Cozumel. There are many dive shops here, some good, others less than good. I recommend Caribbean Divers, Bi-lingual staff, nice, comfortable, safe boats. good experience, reasonable prices. They are worth checking out. Enjoy your time on the island!
Natasha..I haven't been toCoz in 6 or 7 Aldora still rated #1 ?

Hello Again,
The dive staff at Caribbean Divers will tailor a dive trip to meet your needs. Currents here are relatively mild. Generally dives with strong currents are limited to advanced divers. "Fast" boats tend to be noisy and very uncomfortable. A larger boat, with a head, has more room, is covered, and gets to and from the dive site (even the most distant) no more than one hour slower than the "fast boats." The best thing you can do is write to the shops and work with them directly. Enjoy.
mujer de la isla:
Hello Again,
The dive staff at ************ will tailor a dive trip to meet your needs. Currents here are relatively mild. Generally dives with strong currents are limited to advanced divers. "Fast" boats tend to be noisy and very uncomfortable. A larger boat, with a head, has more room, is covered, and gets to and from the dive site (even the most distant) no more than one hour slower than the "fast boats." The best thing you can do is write to the shops and work with them directly. Enjoy.

Are you spamming us? Your posts read like a commercial for that dive shop.

Some like the fast boats, some like the "cattle boats"; to each his own. For my nickel, I prefer a small dive group and a quick transit to and from the sites, and "very uncomfortable" is an exaggeration. Also, that "no more than one hour slower" of which you speak counts twice.

The divemasters that were such favorites at Aldora 6 to 7 years ago at Aldora have all moved on. Memo (Mendoza) left for awhile and returned a couple of years ago as a manager. Bill is the only divemaster of the old crew left, and works part-time now from what I hear...but of course I could be wrong there.

Bill LaRosa is still there and works full-time. One of the best damn DM's I've ever had the pleasure of diving with and now a good friend as well.

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