Coz: Can you Drink the Water?

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Pedcheck once bubbled...
The water is fine, ans long as it's in a clear glass bottle that says "SOL"

But it's much better if it's in a brown bottle marked "Leon Negra".
ggunn once bubbled...
My rules, which have been successful for many Coz visits:

When drinking water, make it bottled water.

Brush teeth and rinse brush in bottled water.

Keep mouth closed in shower and pool.

Don't bite fingernails.

Rinse limes in bottled water before putting wedges in gins and tonic, Likewise tomatoes before slicing into sandwiches.

Be cautious with Immodium. Part of the diarrhea dynamic is your body desperately trying to get rid of something; sometimes Immodium can help with the short term inconvenience and make you sicker in the long run.

The ice is fine. [snip]

Since the Ice isn't made from bottled water, how can it be fine and not the water it was made from?

Again, 3 trips no problems using ice and brushing teeth from tap.....but I do drink bottled because its easy and free in the hotel room.
Otter once bubbled...

Since the Ice isn't made from bottled water, how can it be fine and not the water it was made from?

Again, 3 trips no problems using ice and brushing teeth from tap.....but I do drink bottled because its easy and free in the hotel room.

The water they use for ice is purified in their process. I'm not sure exactly how (my guess is filtering down to bacterial sizes), but the bags that the ice is distributed in have "agua purificado" (or some such) stenciled on them. I'm also pretty sure that here is one central ice plant that makes ice for the island.

Possibly brushing teeth from the tap is OK, but it only takes a second or two to use bottled water, so it's an easy precaution.
that even if you only drink bottled water and take every pre-caution you can, you can still get sick. I got VERY ill on my Aug trip and still can't figure out what caused it. I've been to Coz 6 times and never got sick until my Aug trip. I drank bottled water and didn't eat anything that I hadn't eaten on my 5 previous trips--it was just a fluke thing. I was even staying at the same hotel I had stayed at in June. Thank goodness for good doctors and cheap drugs in Mexico or my entire vacation would have been ruined. As it was, I lost 1 day in bed and couldn't dive the rest of the week due to extreme dehydration and physical exhaustion. Just use your common sense and hope for the best! :)

And LOL to Pedcheck and ggunn, although my "water" of choice is in a brown bottled labeled "Bohemia" :)
from a gringa who lives here...

NO, do not drink TAP water. The locals don't even drink it.

Tourism is our life here, so restaurants and hotels take every precaution to keep people from getting sick, badmouthing their restaurant and otherwise going back home with horror stories about how sick they got in Cozumel.

When you order water in a restaurant, it will automatically be purified water...whether in an individual bottle or from a 5 gallon jug that every restaurant has. they will never serve you tap I said, they don't even drink it.

Vegetables are all washed in purified water that is also treated with anti-bacterial drops.

If you want a hamburger, I do suggest going to one of the more touristy places. French Quarter has excellent burgers and they are made from pure Angus that is imported.

Poultry here is actually better than it is in the states. It is natural and not pumped full of preservatives.

All ice is made from purified water and there are several ice houses on the island as well as water purification plants.

I brush my teeth with the tap water, but never swallow it and I rinse with mouthwash afterwards...I have never had problems.

I cook with purified water as well.

I hope this helps! Have fun!
You are doing what most of us dream of doing...blowing off our hum-drum job and going full time at diving. How is it going in Coz? How do you survive given the competition ....besides using your great smile :wink:

I'd really be interested...I am thinking about taking the plunge myself, but would have thought Coz would be too competitive.

but I'm just doing my deal, offering the best service I can, respecting other operators, following all the little rules here, and loving what I do! It's definitely a labor of love, it's very demanding mentally and physically, but I'm doing it! Sometimes I do miss that cush office, but this is more rewarding, no doubt! Going into my second year officially under the company name (was on my own for awhile before I got my corporate charter approved by the gov)! I don't expect to retire and build a mansion on a tropical island somewhere...but wait...I do live on a tropical island...just not in a mansion on the beach...haha!

I'll be glad to answer specific questions and give you the skinny through e-mail!

Peace! all and especially to you, Christi. Nice to get the skinny directly from la boca del caballo!

Best of luck with your new life in Coz...

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